Throne and Liberty Boss Melee Critical Hit

Boss Melee Critical Hit: Increases the chance of melee attacks landing as critical hits and dealing Max Damage against bosses. For every 10 Stat, increases the Critical Hit Rate by about 1%.

Let’s delve into "Boss Melee Critical Hit," a stat specifically geared towards maximizing your melee damage against those imposing bosses:

Critical Hit Power: This stat increases the chance of your melee attacks landing as critical hits against bosses. Critical hits, as you know, deal significantly more damage, potentially doubling or even tripling your usual output. Imagine unleashing a devastating melee strike that connects as a critical, turning the tide of a boss fight with one mighty blow!

Max Damage on Critical Hits: It doesn’t stop there! When your melee attacks land as critical hits against bosses, this stat ensures you not only deal increased damage but also reach the maximum potential damage within that critical hit range. This lets you squeeze every ounce of power out of your critical strikes against these formidable foes.


  • Enhanced Damage Potential: By boosting your critical hit chance and guaranteeing maximum damage on those hits, you significantly amplify your overall melee damage against bosses. This can shorten fights, improve your team’s performance, and make you a valuable asset in boss encounters.
  • Strategic Value: This stat allows you to specialize in dealing high burst damage through critical hits, potentially targeting crucial moments in the boss fight to maximize its impact.
  • Synergy with other stats: Boss Melee Critical Hit complements other offensive stats like Strength and Critical Hit Damage, further pushing your damage potential against bosses.


  • Specificity: Remember, this stat only applies to melee attacks and only against bosses. It won’t benefit your ranged attacks or damage against regular enemies.
  • Diminishing returns: While invaluable for damage output, the effectiveness of Boss Melee Critical Hit diminishes with higher investment. Balancing it with other offensive and defensive stats is crucial for a well-rounded build.
  • Not a solo solution: Even with high critical hit potential, boss encounters often require teamwork and proper strategy to overcome. Utilizing support buffs, healing, and controlling effects from your team are still essential for success.

Strategies for maximizing your Boss Melee Critical Hit:

  • Invest in relevant stats: Prioritize stats like Strength and Dexterity to naturally increase your base critical hit chance and synergize with the stat bonus.
  • Equipment and Buffs: Seek equipment with enchantments or affixes that enhance your Boss Melee Critical Hit or offer temporary critical hit chance buffs before boss fights.
  • Class Skills and Talents: Some classes may have skills or talents specifically designed to boost critical hit chance or damage against bosses. Utilize these in your rotations for maximum impact.
  • Positioning and Timing: Mastering boss mechanics and positioning yourself strategically can create opportunities for precise and powerful melee attacks, making the most of your critical hit potential.

By understanding the power and limitations of "Boss Melee Critical Hit", you can incorporate it strategically into your build and playstyle to become a force to be reckoned with against even the most challenging bosses in Throne and Liberty.

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