Throne and Liberty Boss Magic Evasion

Boss Magic Evasion: Increases the chance of evading magic attacks dealt by bosses. Chance increases 1% for every 10 Stats.

"Boss Magic Evasion" is another stat focused on enhancing your ability to dodge magical attacks specifically from bosses. This stat functions slightly differently than Boss Magic Endurance, so let’s break it down:

Focus on Evasion: This stat directly increases your chance of completely dodging magic attacks launched by bosses. Unlike Boss Magic Endurance, which minimizes damage even on non-dodged hits, this stat offers an all-or-nothing approach to magic defense.

Chance Increase per Stat: As you mentioned, every 10 points invested in relevant stats (likely Dexterity and Agility) boost your Boss Magic Evasion chance by 1%. This allows for gradual improvement and customization of your dodge potential against bosses.


  • Enhanced Threat Mitigation: By successfully dodging magic attacks, you completely avoid any damage they would have inflicted. This can significantly reduce your incoming damage and improve your overall survivability against powerful boss magic.
  • Strategic Value: This stat enables a highly mobile and evasive playstyle, allowing you to dance around boss attacks and potentially disrupt their casting or focus fire.
  • Synergy with other stats: Boss Magic Evasion complements other defensive stats like Magic Resistance and Boss Magic Endurance, creating a layered defense against magical threats.


  • Specificity: Similar to other boss-specific stats, this only applies to magic attacks from bosses. It won’t affect your evasion against physical attacks or magical attacks from regular enemies.
  • RNG Factor: Unlike Boss Magic Endurance’s guaranteed damage reduction, this stat involves an element of randomness. While high enough evasion can be incredibly effective, some attacks may still connect despite your investment.
  • Not a universal solution: Evasion alone won’t guarantee success against bosses. Utilizing support buffs, healing, and controlling effects from your team remain crucial for overcoming challenging encounters.

Strategies for maximizing your Boss Magic Evasion:

  • Invest in relevant stats: Prioritize Dexterity and Agility to naturally increase your base evasion chance and synergize with the stat bonus.
  • Equipment and Buffs: Seek equipment with enchantments or affixes that enhance your Boss Magic Evasion or offer temporary evasion buffs before boss fights.
  • Class Skills and Talents: Some classes may have skills or talents specifically designed to boost evasion or dodge chance against magical attacks. Utilize these in your defensive rotations for maximum impact.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of Boss Magic Evasion, you can incorporate it strategically into your build and playstyle to become a nimble and agile opponent against the mightiest magic-wielding bosses in Throne and Liberty.

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