Throne and Liberty Belphoret — TL


The littoral land of Belphoret is ruled by Lord Mark Aron. At the top of Belphoret Castle is the Temple of Fonsine, the goddess of water, where it is possible to pray for healing. The goddess’s followers, known as the Order of Fonsine, use white magic and seek peace, stability, and balance. A select few of these are born with the ability to converse with birds or transform into one. For this reason, the hunting of birds is prohibited throughout all of Belphoret.

Chapter 2 continues the rise of the Arkeum Legions as they march on Belphoret. Led by the gargantuan 7 foot 5 inch Kazar Siosen they seem unstoppable as they bring the kingdom of Solisium into an age of darkness. We await to see what’s in store for chapter 3 of this gripping tale. Be sure to check back soon! 

Throne and Liberty Belphoret

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Throne and Liberty