Starfield Magazine Mods

Magazine Mods

Magazine mods increase the ammo capacity of a weapon. It helps the player carry more rounds to fire, and you don’t need to reload that much. Also, some magazines can reduce your ammo capacity too, in exchange for ADS speed and reload speed.

Mod Name Effect Materials Category
Drum Magazine • Vastly increases Ammo Capacity.
• Reduced Aim Down Sights speed and Reload speed.
• Titanium x2
• Adhesive x2
• Lead x3
Flechette Drum Magazine • Vastly increases Ammo Capacity.
• Reduced Aim Down Sights speed and Reload speed.
• Titanium x2
• Adhesive x2
• Lead x3
Flechette Large Magazine • Increases Ammo capacity.
• Reduced Aim Down Sight speed and Reload speed.
• Sealant x2
• Lead x2
• Tungsten x2
Flechette Tactical Magazine • Lighter mag that vastly increases Aim Down Sight speed and Reload speed. • Sealant x1
• Lead x1
Large Magazine • Increases Ammo capacity.
• Reduced Aim Down Sight speed and Reload speed.
• Sealant x2
• Lead x2
• Tungsten x2
Medium Magazine • Offers decent ammo capacity and weight. • Sealant x1
• Tungsten x2
• Lead x3
Small Magazine • Increases Aim Down Sight speed and Reload speed.
• Reduced Ammo Capacity.
• Sealant x1
• Lead x1
• Tungsten x1
Standard Flechette Magazine • Standard version of magazine. • Lead x1
• Tungsten x1
Standard Magazine • Standard version of magazine. • Lead x1
• Tungsten x1
Tactical Magazine • Lighter mag that vastly increases Aim Down Sight speed and Reload speed. • Sealant x1
• Lead x1

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