Skull and Bones Ziwa Kubwa

Ziwa Kubwa is a region in the Coast of Africa area of Skull and Bones, the pirate-themed open-world game by Ubisoft. Here’s what you can find in Ziwa Kubwa:

Sunken Goldmine: This is a location marked on the map with a treasure chest icon. You can find a treasure map titled "Cutthroat Secrets" that leads you to the Sunken Goldmine. Following the map’s clues, you’ll reach the treasure hidden near a bonfire in Ziwa Kubwa.

Cobalt Deposits: This region, particularly the northwest area near the Ziwa Kubwa label, is rich in cobalt, a valuable resource used for crafting ship upgrades. You can find several cobalt deposits scattered along the eastern coast of Ziwa Kubwa and the surrounding area.

General Information:

  • Ziwa Kubwa appears to be a relatively peaceful region compared to others in the game, as indicated by a tip about trusting officers in the "Cutthroat Secrets" treasure map.
  • This region is located west of the "Poachers" location, as seen in some gameplay videos.

Remember, Skull and Bones is still under development, and information about specific locations and content might change before the official release.

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skull and bones ziwa kubwa location

Ziwa Kubwa is a region located in the Coast of Africa area of Skull and Bones, the pirate-themed open-world game by Ubisoft. Here’s what you can find in Ziwa Kubwa:

Sunken Goldmine: This is a location marked on the map with a treasure chest icon. You can find a treasure map titled "Cutthroat Secrets" that leads you to the Sunken Goldmine. Following the map’s clues, you’ll reach the treasure hidden near a bonfire in Ziwa Kubwa. Cobalt Deposits: This region, particularly the northwest area near the Ziwa Kubwa label, is rich in cobalt, a valuable resource used for crafting ship upgrades. You can find several cobalt deposits scattered along the eastern coast of Ziwa Kubwa and the surrounding area.

General Information:

  • Ziwa Kubwa appears to be a relatively peaceful region compared to others in the game, as indicated by a tip about trusting officers in the "Cutthroat Secrets" treasure map.
  • This region is located west of the "Poachers" location, as seen in some gameplay videos.

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