Skull and Bones Xbox Controls

Here’s a breakdown of the default Xbox controls for Skull and Bones:


  • Left Stick: Move your ship forward/backward and turn left/right.
  • Right Stick: Control camera movement.


  • A Button: Interact with objects, board ships, and confirm selections.
  • B Button: Embark (enter your ship) and use secondary weapon (if equipped).
  • X Button: Reload weapon.
  • Y Button: Use primary weapon.
  • Left Bumper (LB): Swap weapons.
  • Right Bumper (RB): Go to Helm Office (Captain’s quarters).
  • Start Button: Open the game menu.
  • Back Button: Open the map.


  • Left Trigger (LT): Aim weapon.
  • Right Trigger (RT): Fire weapon.

Inventory and Crew Management:

  • D-pad Up: Access inventory and crafting menus.
  • D-pad Down: Access the crew management menu.
  • D-pad Left/Right: Cycle through inventory and crew member options.

Additional Controls:

  • Left Stick Click: Toggle sprint (while on land).
  • Right Stick Click: Lock onto targets.
  • View Button: Open the social menu (may not be functional yet).

Customizing Controls:

Skull and Bones allows you to customize the control layout to your preference. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Pause Menu.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. Select Controller.
  4. Choose Customize Controls.
  5. Select the category you want to customize (Gameplay, Naval, or Menu).
  6. Choose the control function you want to remap.
  7. Select the button you want to assign it to.
  8. Repeat the process for any other controls you want to change.
  9. Select Save Changes to confirm your new control layout.

Remember, these are the default controls, and you can customize them to suit your playstyle. You can find more detailed information about the controls and other aspects of the game in the official Skull and Bones manual or online resources.

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