Skull and Bones Volatile Fuel

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Volatile Fuel I Telok Penjarah Blueprint Cost: 2770 Silver
Infamy: Marauder I

Fine Ramie x8
Steel Ingot x8
Ironwood Plank x8
Crude Saltpeter x3
Screw Mechanism x3
Silver x1510

Skull and Bones Volatile Fuel I Blueprint Summary

Item: Volatile Fuel I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Telok Penjarah (It’s unclear if this information is outdated or incorrect).


  • Blueprint Cost: 2770 Silver
  • Infamy: Marauder I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Fine Ramie x8 (Strong and lightweight fiber)
    • Steel Ingot x8 (Strong and durable metal)
    • Ironwood Plank x8 (Heavy and very durable wood)
    • Crude Saltpeter (Key ingredient in gunpowder)
    • Screw Mechanism x3 (Suggests moving parts within the fuel system)
    • Silver x1510

Function (Speculative):

Based on the name and materials, the Volatile Fuel I Blueprint likely allows you to craft or process a type of fuel with explosive or flammable properties in Skull and Bones. Here are two possible interpretations of its function:

  • Enhanced Fuel for Firearms:

    • The fuel could be used to improve the performance of your ship’s cannons or firearms. This might involve:
      • Increased Projectile Speed: The volatile fuel could allow for faster-moving cannonballs or bullets, potentially increasing their impact and effectiveness.
      • Larger Explosions: The fuel might create more powerful explosions within the cannons, leading to greater damage to enemy ships.
  • Fuel for Specialized Weapons (Potential):

    • This fuel might be used in specific weapon systems on your ship, such as:
      • Flamethrowers: The volatile fuel could be the source of fire for short-range offensive attacks against enemy ships.
      • Fire Barrels: The fuel might be used to create incendiary weapons that can be launched or thrown at enemy ships.

Material Analysis:

  • Steel Ingot & Ironwood Plank: The focus on very strong and durable materials suggests a container or system designed to withstand the pressure and heat associated with volatile fuel.
  • Fine Ramie: Strong and flexible fibers could be used for filters, hoses, or other internal components within the fuel system.
  • Crude Saltpeter: A key ingredient in gunpowder, its presence reinforces the explosive or flammable nature of the volatile fuel.
  • Screw Mechanism: This suggests moving parts potentially involved in:
    • Regulating the flow of volatile fuel to cannons or other weapons systems.
    • Pumping or mixing the fuel during the creation process (if applicable).

Potential Benefits:

  • Increased firepower for your ship’s cannons or firearms.
  • Access to new incendiary weapon options.

Safety Considerations (Speculative):

The use of "volatile" in the name and the focus on strong materials suggest that this fuel might be dangerous to handle. There could be risks of explosions or fires if not handled properly.

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