Skull and Bones Twin-Winch Ballista

Ah, the infamous Twin-winch Ballista! It’s no surprise you’re curious about this powerful weapon in Skull and Bones. Here’s what I can tell you about it:

Stats and Advantages:

  • Damage: Extremely high, boasting a 600% damage increase on weak points. This translates to devastating single-shot potential.
  • Range: Exceptional, allowing you to snipe enemies from afar and maintain a safe distance.
  • Speed: The bolts travel at incredible speed, making them harder to dodge for enemies.
  • Perks: Often comes with perks like "Increased Weak Point Damage" and "Armor Piercing," further enhancing its destructive capabilities.

Drawbacks and Acquisition:

  • Accuracy: Despite its range, the Ballista can be challenging to master due to its narrower field of view and slower aiming compared to other weapons.
  • Reload Time: The long reload time demands careful planning and positioning to avoid leaving yourself vulnerable after a shot.
  • Rarity: Obtaining the Twin-winch Ballista is no easy feat. It’s either a reward from specific high-level quests or a rare drop from powerful enemies.


If you’re looking for a weapon that packs a serious punch at a distance, the Twin-winch Ballista is a formidable option. However, be prepared for the challenges of aiming and reloading effectively. Deciding if it suits your playstyle involves weighing its raw power against its demanding nature.

Additional Tips:

  • Some players recommend using it alongside other weapons that excel in close-quarters combat to cover your weaknesses.
  • Practice aiming in solo mode or against lower-level enemies to get comfortable with the Ballista’s mechanics before taking it into high-stakes fights.
  • Keep an eye out for community guides and discussions offering tips and strategies for using the Ballista effectively.

I hope this information helps you decide if the Twin-winch Ballista is the right weapon for you in Skull and Bones!

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