Skull and Bones Turning The Page Investigation

The "Turning the Page" investigation in Skull and Bones takes you on a quest to uncover the mystery of "Kit the Tiger." Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved:

Unveiling the Clues:

  1. Unlock the Investigation: You can unlock this quest by bribing two pirates near the dock and Scurlock’s quarters in Saint Anne. These pirates will be marked with a purple rumor icon on your map.
  2. Head to the Tavern: Follow the quest marker to The Tavern in Saint Anne.
  3. Examine the Leaflet: Interact with the leaflet located near the bar in the tavern. This will initiate the investigation and provide your first clue.
  4. Find Jacques Sorrel: Travel to Saint Amelie, located south of Saint Anne in the AL Royale region. Once there, find Jacques Sorrel and interact with him to gather more information.

Facing the Challenge:

  1. Prepare for a Fight: Be prepared for a challenging fight after speaking with Sorrel. You’ll need to defeat five waves of enemy ships with a minimum rank of 10. It’s recommended to have a rank 8 ship or higher and consider playing with teammates for this part.
  2. Plunder and Investigate: After defeating the enemy waves, plunder the area and then use your Spyglass to locate La Plume. This is a specific ship you need to take down.
  3. Examine the Clue: Once you defeat La Plume, a new clue will be added to your journal. Consult your journal to examine this clue and gain further insight.

Completing the Investigation:

  1. Return to Saint Anne: Sail back to Saint Anne and head to the Warehouse.
  2. Speak with Anya Rakotomang: Interact with Anya Rakotomang at the warehouse to conclude the "Turning the Page" investigation.


By completing this investigation, you’ll be rewarded with some well-earned loot.

Additional Tips:

  • Upgrading your ship and crew before attempting the fight against the enemy waves can significantly improve your chances of success.
  • Utilizing cover from environmental objects during the battle can help you avoid taking heavy damage.
  • If your ship gets sunk during the fight, don’t worry. You can respawn and rejoin the battle without restarting from the beginning.

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