Skull and Bones The Exeter

The Call of the Open Sea: A Skull and Bones Narrative

The humid air clung to your skin like a second shirt as you surveyed the wreckage of your ship, the once-proud vessel now consumed by the unforgiving depths. The ocean, once a source of adventure, now roared menacingly, its waves a constant reminder of your predicament. You, an aspiring captain, were now just another castaway on a deserted atoll, surrounded by circling shadows: not seagulls, but sharks, their eyes glinting with predatory hunger.

Shipwrecked and Lost:

The journey had begun with such promise. Hired to escort the Exeter across the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, you were thrust into the heart of a pirate ambush. The enemy ships materialized through the fog like phantoms, their cannons spewing fire and fury. In the ensuing chaos, you lost sight of your charge, the Exeter swallowed by the swirling mist. Now, stranded on a foreign shore, the weight of failure hung heavy upon your shoulders.

Hope in the Jaws of Danger:

Just as despair threatened to claim you, a flicker of hope emerged. Other survivors, weathered faces etched with the hardships of the sea, pulled you from the water’s grasp. This atoll, this prison of sand and palm, was not entirely deserted. But survival in this perilous paradise required more than just breathing.

The Pirate’s Code:

Rescued from the immediate threat of the ocean, you found yourself under the watchful eyes of seasoned pirates. Here, amidst the dregs of society, survival was not just a matter of chance, but of cunning and ruthlessness. Under the guise of apprenticeship, you were thrust into the brutal world of piracy. Threats, ambushes, and plunder became your daily lessons, each act a step towards reclaiming your own destiny.

A Question of Will:

The path to infamy is paved with blood and betrayal. Will you succumb to the harsh realities of this pirate life, or will you rise above it, forging your own legend from the ashes of your misfortune? Will you find the Exeter, your original mission a distant memory, or will you carve your own path in this unforgiving sea?

The Journey Begins:

This, aspiring captain, is where your story begins. In the crucible of survival and the lure of pirate glory, your choices will define your legacy. Will you succumb to the darkness, or will you become the legend whispered on the wind? The open sea beckons, its call both a promise and a threat. What will you answer?

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start your adventure within the indian ocean

You are an aspiring pirate captain who was hired to escort The Exeter on its journey towards the Indian Ocean. During the journey, you were ambushed by enemy ships and you lose sight of your charge in the heat of battle accompanied by the foggy weather. Unfortunately, your ship sinks in the ambush, and you are shipwrecked upon an atoll with nothing but circling sharks.

Stranded in a new and perilous world inspired by the Indian ocean, with nothing to lose, you will have to use your wits and resolve to bend this hellish paradise to your will.

With you as their next prey maybe?

During this age of Piracy, shipwrecked survivors wash ashore every day. Very few manage to climb their way back to riches and infamy, let alone survive.

Fished out of the waters by other survivors, it’s up to you to take the wheel and find a way to not only stay alive but reach Sainte-Anne, a known pirate den and the Exeter’s original destination. From there on, it’s on you to build your infamy. Under the pretence of learning from ruthless cutthroats, you’ll threaten, ambush, and plunder – all in the name of piracy. Will you have what it takes?

If, you are unsure you are up to the challenge, why not try your hand at piracy by playing the trial version of Skull and Bones?

You can play for up to 8 hours on PC (Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games Store), Xbox Series X|S or PS5 by selecting your platform here. You can also directly download the free trial through the Ubisoft Connect launcher, the Epic Game launcher, the PlayStation Store or the Microsoft Store.

From Elite Warship captains who have the firepower of a small army, to Rogue Waves taking everything in their paths, there are many dangers within Skull and Bones. Will you be the scourge of the seas, a Kingpin among Captains or will you feed the sharks early on? Time will answer that question, but in the meantime, the Indian Ocean is your oyster – get started.

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