Skull and Bones Storage Compartment

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Storage Compartment I Poacher’s Cache Outpost Blueprint Cost: 790 Silver
Infamy: Freebooter I

Teak Plank x10
Fine Sisal x12
Silver x430

Skull and Bones Storage Compartment I Blueprint Summary

Item: Storage Compartment I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Poacher’s Cache Outpost (It appears there’s no additional Infamy requirement to unlock crafting at this location)


  • Blueprint Cost: 790 Silver
  • Infamy: Freebooter I (Early level requirement)
  • Materials:
    • Teak Plank x10 (Durable and water-resistant wood commonly used in shipbuilding)
    • Fine Sisal x12 (Strong and coarse fiber)
    • Silver x430


The Storage Compartment I Blueprint allows you to craft a basic unit for organizing and storing various items on your ship in Skull and Bones.

Here are the potential functionalities:

  • Increased Storage Capacity: This is the most basic function. The compartment provides additional dedicated space to store your supplies and equipment, reducing clutter and improving overall organization on your ship.
  • Item Protection: The compartment can offer some level of protection for your stored items from:
    • Weather: The teak wood might offer some protection from rain, wind, and saltwater spray.
    • Damage: The compartment itself might provide a barrier against accidental bumps, spills, or minor impacts.
  • Categorization: You can use these compartments to group similar items together, making them easier to find and access when needed (e.g., dedicate a compartment for weapons, tools, navigation supplies, etc.)

Benefits of Storage Compartments:

  • Improved Organization: Easier access to your supplies translates to smoother ship operation and faster response times during various situations.
  • Inventory Management: Organized storage helps you keep track of your supplies and avoid running out of crucial items during your voyages.
  • Cargo Security: The compartments offer some level of protection for your belongings, minimizing losses due to harsh weather or minor accidents.

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