Skull and Bones Sticky Fuel Station

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Sticky Fuel Station I Sainte-Anne

Telok Penjarah
Blueprint Cost: 200 Pieces of Eight
Infamy: Marauder I

Fine Ramie x7
Zinc Ingot x4
Ironwood Plank x7
Shellac x4
Crude Saltpeter x4
Silver x1510

Skull and Bones Sticky Fuel Station I Blueprint Summary

Item: Sticky Fuel Station I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition:

  • Sainte-Anne: It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location.
  • Telok Penjarah: It’s unclear if this information is outdated or incorrect.


  • Blueprint Cost: 200 Pieces of Eight (This could be a special currency separate from Silver)
  • Infamy: Marauder I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Fine Ramie x7 (Strong and lightweight fiber)
    • Zinc Ingot x4 (Metal used for creating containers)
    • Ironwood Plank x7 (Heavy and durable wood)
    • Shellac x4 (Protective coating)
    • Crude Saltpeter (Chemical compound, key ingredient in gunpowder)
    • Silver x1510

Function (Speculative):

Based on the name and materials, the Sticky Fuel Station I Blueprint likely allows you to craft a device used for handling or processing a special type of fuel in Skull and Bones. Here are two possible interpretations:

1. Processing Incendiary Materials:

  • "Sticky" could refer to a fuel that adheres to surfaces or explodes on impact. The materials suggest functionalities related to incendiary weapons:
    • Greek Fire: The station might be used for processing or storing ingredients for Greek fire, a historical incendiary weapon known for its sticky and flammable properties.
    • Napalm-like Substance: The materials could be used to create a fictional sticky fuel with similar properties to napalm, effective in clinging to enemy ships and causing prolonged burning.
  • Ironwood Plank: This exceptionally hard wood could be used for the structure of the station to withstand the potentially high temperatures involved in processing such materials.
  • Shellac: A protective coating, it might help prevent the station itself from catching fire or being damaged by the incendiary materials being handled.

2. Fuel for Sticky Traps:

  • "Sticky" could also describe a fuel used to create adhesive traps. The station’s function might involve:
    • Storing and Dispensing: Holding and releasing a special fuel used to create sticky traps on surfaces, potentially hindering enemy movement or ship maneuvers.
    • Fire & Stick: The fuel might combine adhesive properties with the ability to ignite, creating burning traps that are difficult to escape.
  • Fine Ramie: Strong and flexible fibers could be used for filters, wicks, or other components within the station for handling the sticky fuel.


  • The exact nature of the "sticky fuel" and its applications remain unclear without access to the game or official information.
  • It’s possible that the station is used for a combination of purposes, handling both incendiary materials and sticky trap fuel.

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