Skull and Bones Silver Farm Making

Skull and Bones Silver Farm

Sure, here are some methods for farming silver in Skull and Bones:


  • Buy low, sell high: This is the basic principle of trading. You can buy items from one outpost and sell them for a higher price at another outpost. The key is to find items that are in high demand at one outpost and low supply at another. You can use the map to see which outposts have what items in stock.
  • Exploit trade routes: There are certain trade routes that are more profitable than others. For example, you can buy spices in the East Indies and sell them in Europe for a big profit.
  • Use the Supply Network: The Supply Network is a system that allows you to buy and sell items at a discount. You can unlock new discounts by completing missions and contracts.


  • Pillage and plunder: You can attack other ships and steal their cargo. This is a risky proposition, but it can be very rewarding if you’re successful.
  • Complete contracts: Contracts are missions that you can accept from outposts and other NPCs. They often reward you with silver, as well as other items and resources.
  • Do bounties: Bounties are missions to kill specific pirates. They can be very lucrative, but they can also be very difficult.


  • Craft and sell items: You can use the resources you gather to craft items and then sell them for a profit. This is a good way to make money, especially if you can find items that are in high demand.
  • Upgrade your ship: Upgrading your ship can make it more efficient and powerful, which can help you earn more silver in the long run.

Other methods:

  • Treasure maps: Treasure maps can lead you to buried treasure, which can be worth a lot of silver.
  • Fishing: Fishing can be a relaxing way to make some extra silver.
  • Salvaging: You can salvage shipwrecks for resources, which you can then sell or use to craft items.

I hope this helps!

Buy Skull and Bones Items

Skull and Bones Silver Making

Sure, here are some methods for making silver in Skull and Bones:

  • Complete supply missions and contracts: These missions can be found at outposts and reward you with silver, resources, and reputation. Some contracts, like Standard Orders, are repeatable and can provide a steady income.
  • Sell resources: Resources like wood, metal, and cloth can be sold at outposts for silver. You can gather these resources by exploring the world, looting shipwrecks, and completing missions.
  • Craft and sell goods: You can use resources to craft goods like rum, medicine, and weapons. These goods can then be sold at outposts for a higher profit than the resources themselves.
  • Attack forts and steal treasure: Forts are heavily guarded but contain valuable loot, including silver and helm materials. You can attack forts solo or with a crew, but be prepared for a tough fight.
  • Trade: You can buy goods at one outpost and sell them at another for a profit. This requires some knowledge of supply and demand, but it can be a lucrative way to make silver.

Here are some additional tips for making silver in Skull and Bones:

  • Focus on high-value goods: When crafting or trading, focus on goods that sell for a high price per unit. This will help you maximize your profits.
  • Upgrade your ship: A larger ship can carry more cargo, which allows you to make more money from each trip. You can also upgrade your ship’s cannons and armor to make it more effective in combat, which can help you acquire more loot.
  • Join a crew: Playing with a crew can make the game more fun and can also help you make more silver. Crews can work together to complete missions, attack forts, and trade goods.

I hope this helps!

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