Skull and Bones Signal Gong

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Signal Gong Sainte-Anne Blueprint Cost: 1580 Silver
Infamy: Buccaneer I

Cogwheel x4
Mopane Plank x10
Cobalt Ingot x8
Silver x860

Skull and Bones Signal Gong Blueprint Summary

Item: Signal Gong Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Sainte-Anne (It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location)


  • Blueprint Cost: 1580 Silver
  • Infamy: Buccaneer I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Cogwheel x4 (Suggests a mechanical component)
    • Mopane Plank x10 (Strong and durable wood)
    • Cobalt Ingot x8 (Metal with some uses for sound)
  • Silver x860


Based on the name and materials, the Signal Gong Blueprint likely allows you to craft a large metal disc used for creating loud sounds and signals on your ship in Skull and Bones. Here’s a breakdown of its potential functionalities:

  • Communication: The primary function of the signal gong is likely for long-distance communication at sea. By striking the gong with a mallet, you can generate a booming sound that can travel over long distances, potentially for:

    • Signaling to other ships in your fleet or nearby allies.
    • Sending warnings or alerts to other vessels.
    • Creating a specific code of sounds to communicate messages.
  • Navigation: In foggy or low-visibility conditions, the sound of the gong might be used to:

    • Alert other ships of your presence to avoid collisions.
    • Help with navigation by gauging the distance to landmarks or coastlines by listening for echoes.

Materials Analysis:

  • Mopane Plank: This strong and durable wood likely serves as the base or frame for mounting the gong.
  • Cobalt Ingot: While not the most common material for gongs, cobalt can be used to create alloys that are hard and resonate well. It might be part of the gong itself or components that strike it to produce sound.
  • Cogwheel: The presence of a cogwheel suggests a possible mechanism involved with the gong. It could be part of a system for:
    • Striking the gong automatically at intervals.
    • Controlling the pitch or tone of the gong sound for different signals.

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