Skull and Bones Season 1 End Date

Based on the information available today, Friday, March 8, 2024, Skull and Bones Season 1, titled "Raging Tides," is expected to end on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Here’s how we came to this conclusion:

  • Several gaming news sources reported that Skull and Bones Season 1 would begin on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 [1, 2, 4].
  • Ubisoft confirmed that each season of Skull and Bones will last 12 weeks [3].

Following this logic, if Season 1 started on February 27th and each season lasts 12 weeks, the end date would fall on May 21st.

It’s important to note that this information might not be entirely official. While some news sources reported the expected end date, there haven’t been any official announcements directly from Ubisoft about the specific end date of Season 1.

Here are some suggestions for staying up-to-date on the official end date of Skull and Bones Season 1:

  • Check the official Skull and Bones website and social media channels for announcements.
  • Look for news articles from reputable gaming websites that might cover any official updates from Ubisoft regarding the season’s end date.
  • If you’re playing the game, keep an eye out for in-game notifications or announcements from the developers.

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Skull and Bones Season 1 End Date

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