Skull and Bones Sea Fire Furnace

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Sea Fire Furnace I Khmoy Estate Blueprint Cost: 4120 Silver
Infamy: Corsair I

Juniper Plank x6
Zinc Ingot x6
Fine Abaka x6
Ironwood Plank x8
Sheet Glass x4
Silver x2250

Skull and Bones Sea Fire Furnace I Blueprint Summary

Item: Sea Fire Furnace I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Khmoy Estate (It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location)


  • Blueprint Cost: 4120 Silver
  • Infamy: Corsair I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Juniper Plank x6 (Common shipbuilding wood)
    • Zinc Ingot x6 (Metal used for creating containers)
    • Fine Abaka x6 (Strong and durable fiber)
    • Ironwood Plank x8 (Heavy and durable wood)
    • Sheet Glass x4 (Transparent material)
    • Silver x2250

Function (Speculative):

Based on the name and materials, the Sea Fire Furnace I Blueprint likely allows you to craft a furnace specifically designed for creating or using incendiary weapons or attacks in Skull and Bones. Here’s a breakdown of the potential functionalities:

1. Incendiary Projectile Production:

  • The furnace could be used to heat, melt, or process materials used in creating fire-based weaponry, such as:
    • Flaming cannonballs: Iron cannonballs heated in the furnace and coated with flammable materials to set enemy ships ablaze upon impact.
    • Greek fire: A historical incendiary weapon potentially recreated in the furnace, using ingredients like pitch, naphtha, and quicklime to launch flaming projectiles.

2. Firearm Enhancement:

  • The furnace might be used to heat or modify firearm components to create incendiary effects, such as:
    • Red-hot shot: Heating iron shot in the furnace to create projectiles that remain hot for extended periods, potentially igniting flammable materials on enemy ships.
    • Fire lances: Modifying firearms in the furnace to launch flaming projectiles or streams of burning material.

3. Signal Fire Creation:

  • The presence of sheet glass might suggest a window or observation point. The furnace could also be used to create large or sustained signal fires for:
    • Communication with other pirate ships at night.
    • Sending distress signals or warnings.

Material Analysis:

  • Ironwood Plank: This particularly strong and heavy wood could be used to construct a furnace capable of withstanding the high temperatures needed for processing materials.
  • Zinc Ingot: Commonly used for creating containers, it might be used for crucibles or molds within the furnace to hold and shape molten materials used in incendiary weapons.
  • Fine Abaka: This strong fiber could be used for bellows or other tools to regulate the furnace’s temperature or airflow.

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