Skull and Bones Rocket Crate

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Rocket Crate Lost City of Prei Blueprint Cost: 2020 Silver
Infamy: Marauder I

Broken Plank x2
Rusty Nail x3
Scavenged Wood x2
  • Item: Rocket Crate Blueprint
  • Location/Unlock Condition: Lost City of Prei
  • Requirements:
    • Blueprint Cost: 2020 Silver
    • Infamy: Marauder I
    • Materials:
      • Broken Plank x2
      • Rusty Nail x3
      • Scavenged Wood x2

Reasons for Discrepancy:

  • Historical Inaccuracy: As mentioned before, rockets were not a widely used weapon during the 17th-century Golden Age of Piracy, making the existence of "Rocket Crates" highly improbable.
  • Missing Information from Official Sources: There is no mention of "Rocket Crates" or similar items in official Skull and Bones information or databases.

Possible Explanations:

  • Misinterpreted Information: The source of the information about the "Rocket Crate blueprint" might be inaccurate or outdated. It’s possible it referred to another item with a different name or functionality.
  • Development Placeholder: During development stages, game elements can undergo changes. The "Rocket Crate" could have been a placeholder name or concept that wasn’t implemented in the final game.


It’s important to rely on trustworthy sources for information about Skull and Bones. Official channels like the game’s website, developer updates, and verified community resources typically provide the most accurate and up-to-date details.

If you encounter any further information about "Rocket Crates" in Skull and Bones, I suggest verifying its source and comparing it with official resources to ensure its legitimacy.

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