Skull and Bones (Refined Fiber)-Fine Jute

Fine Jute is a versatile and widely used material in Skull and Bones, known for its:

  • Durability: Jute fibers are strong and resistant to wear and tear, making it suitable for crafting various items that need to withstand harsh conditions.
  • Lightweight: Despite its strength, Jute is relatively lightweight, which can be beneficial for crafting items that need to be maneuverable or require less weight.
  • Affordability: Jute is generally less expensive than other refined fibers, making it an accessible material for new players or those looking for a cost-effective option.

Obtaining Fine Jute:

There are several ways to obtain Fine Jute in Skull and Bones:

  • Gathering: Jute plants can be found in various regions throughout the game world, particularly in:
    • Savage Coast: This region is known for its dense vegetation and abundance of natural resources, making it a good source of Jute.
    • Whispering Isles: These mystical islands offer a variety of resources, including Jute plants scattered throughout their forests.
  • Refining: Jute Fibers, gathered from Jute plants, can be refined into Fine Jute at a Refinery.
  • Purchasing: Fine Jute can be purchased from vendors in various settlements across the game world.

Using Fine Jute:

Once you have Fine Jute, you can use it for various crafting purposes, including:

  • Ship upgrades: Jute can be used to craft basic upgrades for your ship’s sails, ropes, and other components.
  • Clothing and accessories: Jute is a common material for crafting basic clothing items like shirts, pants, and hats.
  • Bags and pouches: Jute’s durability makes it suitable for crafting bags and pouches for storing your loot and supplies.


  • Upgrading your gathering skills and tools can increase the yield and efficiency of gathering Jute from plants.
  • Consider using Jute for basic crafting needs in the early stages of the game, as it is an affordable and readily available material.
  • As you progress, you may want to focus on using higher-quality materials for more advanced crafting projects.

I hope this information helps!

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