Skull and Bones (Raw Wood)-Mopane

Mopane is a real-world wood known for its durability and resistance, but its presence as a raw wood resource in Skull and Bones is uncertain as of February 23, 2024.

Current Information:

  • Limited mentions: Some online resources mention Mopane planks as a crafting material in Skull and Bones, but these sources often lack official references or detailed information.
  • No official confirmation: Developer blogs, patch notes, and gameplay guides from the game’s official sources don’t confirm Mopane as a wood resource.
  • Search results: Extensive searches within the game and its community haven’t yielded concrete details about Mopane’s crafting uses.

Therefore, while the possibility of Mopane existing as a wood resource cannot be entirely ruled out, current evidence suggests it’s not officially implemented in the game.


  • Focus on confirmed resources: Prioritize confirmed wood resources like Jute, Sisal, and Teak for your crafting needs.
  • Seek official information: Rely on official sources like developer websites, patch notes, and established community forums for accurate information.
  • Avoid misinformation: Be wary of unofficial sources that might not have accurate information.

If Mopane gets officially confirmed as a wood resource in the future, I’d be happy to update my knowledge and share it accordingly.

I hope this clarifies the current understanding of Mopane in Skull and Bones!

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