Skull and Bones (Raw Wood)-Ironwood

Ironwood is a type of wood that is often used in Skull and Bones for crafting. It is a strong and durable wood that is resistant to rot and decay. Ironwood can be found in a variety of locations throughout the game, but it is most commonly found in the Savage Coast region.

There are a few different ways to obtain Ironwood in Skull and Bones:

  • Gathering: Ironwood can be gathered from trees in the Savage Coast region. You will need to have a gathering tool equipped in order to do this.
  • Refining: Ironwood can be refined from Ironwood Logs. Ironwood Logs can be obtained by gathering from trees in the Savage Coast region, or by purchasing them from a vendor.
  • Purchasing: Ironwood can be purchased from vendors in a few different locations throughout the game.

Once you have obtained Ironwood, you can use it to craft a variety of items, including:

  • Ship upgrades: Ironwood can be used to upgrade the hull, masts, and sails of your ship.
  • Weapons: Ironwood can be used to craft a variety of weapons, including swords, axes, and pistols.
  • Armor: Ironwood can be used to craft a variety of armor pieces, including helmets, chestplates, and leggings.

Ironwood is a valuable resource in Skull and Bones, so it is important to collect as much as you can. It can be used to craft a variety of powerful items that will help you on your journey to become a pirate legend.

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