Skull and Bones (Raw Metal)-Zinc

Zinc is another valuable raw metal in Skull and Bones, used for various crafting purposes and offering distinct advantages to your ship. Here’s what you need to know:


  • Mining: Zinc deposits are found in scattered locations across the map, with some reported sources in:
    • The Eastern Cape region: Look around the East London settlement and surrounding areas.
    • The Caribbean: Potential deposits have been found near Isla Cruces and Tortuga.
    • Volcanic regions: Keep an eye out for Zinc near active volcanoes, as they may be associated with its formation.
  • Trading: You can purchase Zinc from vendors in settlements or through player-to-player trading, but expect higher prices due to its moderate rarity.
  • Loot: Defeating certain enemies or retrieving treasure chests can occasionally yield Zinc as a reward.


  • Zinc is primarily used for crafting mid-tier ship upgrades, offering various benefits:
    • Durability: Certain Zinc upgrades enhance your ship’s overall resilience, making it more resistant to damage.
    • Sailing efficiency: Some Zinc-based upgrades improve sail performance, allowing for faster travel and better maneuverability.
    • Specialized components: Specific parts like cannons and armor have Zinc upgrades for increased effectiveness.
  • Additionally, Zinc is used in crafting certain ammunition types that offer unique advantages, such as slowing down enemy ships or inflicting area-of-effect damage.


  • Zinc holds a moderate individual value compared to common metals like Iron but is less valuable than rarer metals like Cobalt.
  • Its diverse crafting applications create a steady demand, making it a valuable resource for trading and personal use.

Tips for acquiring Zinc:

  • Explore the mentioned regions and utilize online resources or community forums to discover hidden Zinc deposits.
  • Invest in better mining tools and ship upgrades for efficient gathering.
  • Consider collaborating with other players to share resources and knowledge about Zinc locations.
  • Manage your Zinc supplies wisely, prioritizing upgrades that align with your ship’s needs and playstyle.

Overall, Zinc plays a crucial role in upgrading your ship and enhancing its performance in Skull and Bones. By understanding its acquisition methods, uses, and value, you can effectively manage your Zinc supplies and make informed crafting decisions to conquer the high seas!

I hope this information is helpful! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about Zinc or other resources in Skull and Bones.

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