Skull and Bones (Raw Hide)-Thick Crocodile Hide

In Skull and Bones, Thick Crocodile Hide is a particularly rare and valuable variant of the already prized Crocodile Hide, offering even more impressive properties for crafting the ultimate pirate gear. Here’s what we know:

Exceptional Durability:

  • Thick Crocodile Hide boasts an even thicker and tougher hide than regular Crocodile Hide, making it nearly impenetrable and ideal for crafting the most resilient armor and ship components.

Enhanced Water Resistance:

  • The natural oils present in Thick Crocodile Hide are even more concentrated, offering superior water resistance and making it perfect for crafting items that will constantly be exposed to harsh marine environments.

Unique Aesthetic:

  • While sharing the distinctive reptilian texture of regular Crocodile Hide, Thick Crocodile Hide might showcase a deeper, richer color, further enhancing its visual appeal and signifying its superior quality.


  • Acquiring Thick Crocodile Hide is likely even more challenging than obtaining regular Crocodile Hide. Here are some potential methods:

    • Hunting Legendary Crocodiles: Specific, larger, and more formidable crocodiles might roam certain regions, offering a rare chance of dropping Thick Crocodile Hide upon defeat.
    • Special Treasure Chests: Hidden chests or rewards from challenging quests might hold Thick Crocodile Hide as a rare and valuable prize.
    • Trading with Unique Vendors: Specific merchants or traders, perhaps specializing in rare materials, could offer Thick Crocodile Hide for trade, but expect to pay an exorbitant price.

Crafting Uses:

  • Thick Crocodile Hide’s exceptional properties make it ideal for crafting truly top-tier gear and ship upgrades:

    • Legendary Armor: Craft the ultimate chestplates, greaves, and helmets that offer unparalleled protection against even the most powerful enemies.
    • Fortified Ship Hull: Reinforce your ship’s hull with Thick Crocodile Hide to create an almost invincible vessel, capable of withstanding the fiercest attacks and storms.
    • Unique Decorations and Trophies: Showcase your prowess by crafting stunning ship decorations or trophies using this incredibly rare and valuable material.

Important Note:

While details about Thick Crocodile Hide are not officially confirmed, its potential inclusion adds an exciting layer to the crafting system in Skull and Bones. If implemented, it could be the ultimate material for players seeking the absolute best protection and a truly unique aesthetic for their pirate persona.

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