Skull and Bones (Raw Hide)-Shark Skin

In Skull and Bones, Shark Skin is a highly desired raw hide material with unique properties and crafting applications. While not confirmed as an official material, its potential inclusion adds an exciting layer to the crafting system. Here’s what we can gather based on speculation and rumors:

Potential Properties:

  • Toughness and Abrasion Resistance: Shark skin boasts incredible durability and resistance to wear due to its unique dermal denticles (tiny tooth-like scales). This translates to crafting strong and resilient items.
  • Water Resistance: Shark skin naturally repels water, making it suitable for crafting items exposed to marine environments.
  • Unique Aesthetic: The textured surface and diverse colors of shark skin offer a distinct and eye-catching visual appeal.


  • Hunting: If implemented, Shark Skin would likely be obtained by hunting sharks, potentially found in various regions:
    • Open Seas: Sharks are known to roam freely throughout the game world, offering a challenging hunt.
    • Specific islands or reefs: Certain locations might harbor higher concentrations of specific shark species, increasing your chances of acquiring Shark Skin.
  • Loot: Similar to other rare materials, Shark Skin might be found as rare loot from defeated enemies or specific treasure chests, particularly those related to pirate hunters or focused on aquatic creatures.
  • Trading: While unlikely, some vendors might offer Shark Skin for trade, but expect high prices due to its potential rarity and valuable properties.

Crafting Uses:

  • Armor: Shark Skin’s potential toughness could make it ideal for crafting medium-weight armor pieces like vests and gauntlets, offering a balance between protection and mobility.
  • Ship Upgrades: Reinforcing specific ship components like sails or rigging with Shark Skin could enhance their durability against environmental hazards and enemy attacks.
  • Unique Decorations and Gear: Shark Skin’s unique texture and potential rarity could make it a sought-after material for crafting stylish ship decorations, weapon hilts, or even specialized gear like shark tooth necklaces.

Important Note:

Remember that this information is based on speculation and rumors, and Shark Skin might not be officially included in Skull and Bones. However, its potential inclusion offers intriguing possibilities for players seeking unique crafting materials and a distinctive aesthetic for their pirate adventures.

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