Skull and Bones (Raw Hide)-Hippo Hide

Hippo Hide in Skull and Bones (Raw Hide)

While not officially confirmed, rumors and speculation suggest Hippo Hide might be a potential raw hide material in Skull and Bones, offering unique properties and crafting possibilities. Although official details are scarce, here’s what we can gather:

Potential Properties:

  • Exceptional Toughness: Hippos boast some of the thickest skin among land mammals, suggesting Hippo Hide could be incredibly durable and resistant to damage.
  • Impenetrable Armor: This toughness could translate into crafting heavy armor pieces offering unmatched protection in combat.
  • Uniqueness and Rarity: The limited presence of hippos in the game world might make Hippo Hide a rare and valuable resource.


  • Hunting: If implemented, Hippo Hide would likely be obtained through hunting hippos, potentially found in specific regions like:
    • Savage Coast: Known for its diverse and challenging wildlife, including large mammals.
    • Riverlands: Home to various waterways and marshes where hippos might reside.
  • Loot: Similar to Crocodile Hide, it might be found as rare loot from defeated enemies or specific treasure chests.
  • Trading: While unlikely, some vendors might offer Hippo Hide for trade, but expect exorbitant prices due to its potential rarity.

Crafting Uses:

  • Heavy Armor: Hippo Hide’s potential toughness could make it ideal for crafting nearly impenetrable chestplates, greaves, and helmets, offering unmatched protection in close combat.
  • Ship Upgrades: Reinforcing critical ship components like the hull or bowsprit with Hippo Hide could significantly enhance their durability against enemy attacks and environmental hazards.
  • Unique Decorations: Hippo Hide’s distinct texture and potential rarity could make it a sought-after material for crafting unique ship decorations or trophies showcasing your prowess.

Important Note:

Remember that this information is based on speculation and rumors, and Hippo Hide might not be officially included in Skull and Bones.

However, if implemented, it could offer exciting crafting possibilities for players seeking the ultimate protection and a unique aesthetic for their pirate persona.

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