Skull and Bones Pursuing Plague

In Skull and Bones, the term "pursuing plague" doesn’t directly translate to an in-game mechanic or story element. However, based on existing information, it might be linked to two potential interpretations:

1. Speculation or Misinformation:

There’s a possibility that "pursuing plague" originated from speculation or misinformation circulating online before the game’s official release or during the initial stages of the first season, "Raging Tides."

  • The game’s developers haven’t officially mentioned any story element, mission, or contract directly involving "pursuing a plague."
  • It’s important to be cautious about information found outside official sources, especially if it seems vague or lacks concrete details.

2. Misunderstood Content from Season 1:

The "Raging Tides" season introduced the "Fleet of Pestilence" led by the antagonist Philippe La Peste, also known as the "Plague King." This faction plays a major role in the season’s narrative and content:

  • Players might have encountered the "Fleet of Pestilence" while completing specific contracts or exploring the world during Season 1.
  • Engaging in combat with this faction and defeating their "Plaguebringer" ships might have been misinterpreted as "pursuing a plague." However, the primary objective is likely eliminating enemy ships and hindering the "Plague King’s" influence, not directly dealing with a literal plague.

Current Status:

As of October 26, 2023, the "Raging Tides" season and its associated content, including the "Fleet of Pestilence," are no longer active. The current game version doesn’t have any prominent story elements or mechanics related to "pursuing a plague."


If you encounter information about "pursuing plague" in Skull and Bones, especially outside of official sources, consider the following:

  • Verify the information: Check official sources like the game website, developer statements, or reliable community resources to confirm its validity.
  • Be cautious about speculation: Be wary of unconfirmed information or speculation presented as fact.
  • Focus on official content: The current game state and its ongoing development roadmap should provide the most accurate and reliable information about available content and future updates.

By following these recommendations, you can effectively navigate information related to Skull and Bones and focus on enjoying the official content and gameplay experience offered by the game.

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