Skull and Bones Port Powder Kegs

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Port Powder Kegs I Sainte-Anne

Telok Penjarah
Blueprint Cost: 300 Pieces of Eight
Infamy: Corsair I

Juniper Plank x6
Zinc Ingot x6
Fine Abaka x6
Crude Saltpeter x3
Screw Mechanism x3
Silver x2250

Skull and Bones Port Powder Kegs I Blueprint Summary

Item: Port Powder Kegs I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition:

  • Sainte-Anne: It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location.
  • Telok Penjarah: It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location, or if this information might be outdated or incorrect.


  • Blueprint Cost: 300 Pieces of Eight (This could be a special currency separate from Silver)
  • Infamy: Corsair I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Juniper Plank x6
    • Zinc Ingot x6
    • Fine Abaka x6
    • Crude Saltpeter x3
    • Screw Mechanism x3
    • Silver x2250


Based on the name and materials, the Port Powder Kegs I Blueprint likely involves crafting or modifying gunpowder storage compartments specifically located on the port side of your ship in Skull and Bones.

Here’s a breakdown of the potential functionalities:

  • Increased Gunpowder Capacity: This could be the most straightforward interpretation, where the blueprint allows you to construct additional gunpowder kegs on the port side, increasing the total amount of gunpowder you can store.
  • Enhanced Gunpowder Storage: The materials used suggest potential improvements to gunpowder storage on the port side:
    • Durability: Zinc ingot might reinforce the kegs, making them more resistant to damage from enemy fire or impacts, reducing the risk of accidental explosions.
    • Organization: The kegs might be designed for better organization on the port side, allowing for easier access and quicker retrieval of gunpowder during combat.

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