Skull and Bones Peste Control

Seasonal Contracts

  • 3 unique contracts: The African Ailment, The Pursuing Plague and The Encroaching Epidemic

    • Complete these contracts to receive the seasonal vanities for your captain and ship
  • 1 repeatable contract: Peste Control

    • Deliver 2 Plaguebringer Captain heads to Robin Blackwood to earn Silver and White Skull Gin!

Skull and Bones: Peste Control Contract Explained

Peste Control is the repeatable contract available in Skull and Bones during Season 1: Raging Tides. Unlike the three unique contracts, this one can be completed multiple times, allowing you to continuously earn rewards.

Here’s what we know about Peste Control:


  • Deliver 2 Plaguebringer Captain heads to Robin Blackwood at a specific location, likely Santa Anne.

Plaguebringer Captain Heads:

  • Acquired by defeating Plaguebringer ships, which are the vanguard of the Fleet of Pestilence. These ships are smaller and faster compared to other enemy vessels.


  • Silver: In-game currency used for various purchases, including ship upgrades, resources, and equipment.
  • White Skull Gin: A valuable resource with a specific use in the game, possibly related to:
    • Upgrading specific ship features or weapons.
    • Recruiting or enhancing crew members.
    • Crafting items or consumables.

Additional Notes:

  • Completing this contract repeatedly allows you to accumulate Silver and White Skull Gin consistently.
  • This contract is likely tied to the season’s theme, which revolves around the Plague of Pestilence and the Fleet of Pestilence. Delivering the captain heads might be a way to help contain the plague or gain intel on the enemy fleet.


  • Look for Plaguebringer ships throughout the game world, especially in areas affected by the plague.
  • Engage in naval combat and defeat them to obtain their captain heads.
  • Once you have collected 2 heads, sail to the designated location (likely Santa Anne) and find Robin Blackwood to turn them in and receive your rewards.

By participating in Peste Control, you can:

  • Earn valuable resources to progress through the game.
  • Contribute to the season’s narrative by helping to contain the plague or weaken the enemy fleet.
  • Continuously refresh your supply of Silver and White Skull Gin.

Remember, this contract is exclusive to Season 1: Raging Tides, which started on February 27, 2024, and likely ends sometime in April 2024.

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