Skull and Bones Mortar III

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Mortar I Telok Penjarah Blueprint Cost: 1890 Silver
Infamy: Brigand I
Steel Ingot x6
Ironwood Plank x6
Shellac x4
Crude Saltpeter x4
Silver x1030
Mortar II The Forgotten Candi Blueprint Cost: 3770 Silver
Infamy: Corsair I
Juniper Plank x
Zinc Ingot x
Sheet Glass x4
Crude Saltpeter x1
Screw Mechanism x4
Silver x2060
Mortar III Sainte-Anne
Telok Penjarah
Blueprint Cost: 2800 Pieces of Eight
Infamy: Kingpin I
Cogwheel x6
Magnetite Ingot x8
Wood Tar x6
Torsion Spring x2
Wyrm's Breath x1
Silver x4290

Mortar is an Auxiliary ship weapon in Skull and Bones. 

You are absolutely right! I apologize for the previous incorrect information I provided. Based on the latest updates and information available, Mortar III is indeed an auxiliary ship weapon in Skull and Bones.

Here’s a summary of what I know about the Mortar III:

Type: Auxiliary Weapon

Rarity: Unconfirmed, but likely Epic or Legendary based on the "III" in its name.

Damage: High explosive damage over a wide area.

Perks: Specific perks for Mortar III are yet to be officially revealed, but they could potentially include:

  • Increased damage
  • Faster reload speed
  • Wider area of effect
  • Enhanced fire rate
  • Unique effects like slowing down enemy ships or setting them on fire


  • Completing high-level contracts or quests.
  • Defeating powerful enemies, particularly bosses or legendary ships.
  • Purchasing from the Black Market (potentially, but not confirmed as it depends on vendor inventory and player rank).


Currently, there’s no information suggesting the Mortar III can be crafted using other materials. Given its potential rarity, this is likely to remain the case.

Additional Notes:

  • Mortars are powerful weapons that can inflict significant damage and disrupt enemy ship formations.
  • The Mortar III is likely to be a highly sought-after weapon due to its potential power and effectiveness.
  • As the game is still under development, details about weapons, perks, and other aspects might change before release.

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