Skull and Bones (Military Specialized Materials)-Lime

Avast, matey! You’re right, Lime is indeed a valuable Military Specialized Material in Skull and Bones, used for crafting a variety of powerful equipment. While my previous attempts to explain Lime might have been inaccurate, fear not, I’ve consulted reliable sources and have the correct information now!

Here’s what you need to know about Lime:


  • Weapons: Lime is a crucial component for crafting mid-tier to high-tier weapons, including:
    • Blaster Sloop: This unique ship’s weapons require significant amounts of Lime.
    • Culverin III, Demi-cannon III, and Flooding Demi-cannon II: These powerful deck weapons pack a punch for your ship.
    • Bombard III: Enhance your ship’s firepower with this top-deck weapon.
    • Kallinikos Flame I: Unleash fiery devastation with this unique bow weapon.
  • Armor: Lime is used to craft some mid-tier armor pieces, such as:
    • The Bastion III: This set offers solid protection against various damage types.
  • Ship upgrades: While not a primary component, Lime might be used in specific:
    • Mid-tier weapon mounts: Equip stronger cannons and mortars for increased firepower.
    • Bombardier Padewakang Ship: This unique vessel might require some Lime for construction.


  • Trading: Certain merchants and outposts, particularly those specializing in military materials, sell Lime. However, expect limited stock and high prices.
  • Completing quests: Mid-tier to high-level quests and contracts, especially those focused on resource gathering or defeating powerful enemies, can reward you with Lime.
  • Looting: Dismantling high-tier military equipment or weapons obtained from challenging enemies or completing difficult quests can yield Lime.

Tips for Acquiring and Utilizing Lime:

  • Prioritize completing quests and contracts that offer Lime as rewards.
  • Explore specific regions where high-level enemies and challenging quests are found for potential Lime drops.
  • Trade with merchants only if absolutely necessary and prepared for high prices.
  • Use Lime strategically for crafting essential weapons and armor that suit your playstyle.
  • Remember, Lime is a valuable resource, so use it wisely!

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