Skull and Bones Map Red Isle

The Red Isle in Skull and Bones is a large archipelago located in the southern region of the game’s map. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to find there:


  • As mentioned, you’ll find the Red Isle in the southern part of the world map. Look for a cluster of islands towards the bottom of the map.

Activities and Points of Interest:

  • The Red Isle offers a variety of activities and points of interest for players to explore, including:
    • Pirate Dens: Safe havens for pirates, offering merchants, shipyards, and other services. One such den might be called "Royal Burial Ground Outpost" based on some treasure map references.
    • Missions and Contracts: Opportunities to complete objectives and earn rewards.
    • Resource Nodes: Locations to gather essential materials for crafting and ship upgrades.
    • Hidden Coves: Potential for discovering hidden treasures, resources, or unique encounters.
    • Legendary Treasure Map Locations: Certain areas within the Red Isle might be designated locations for finding Legendary Treasure Maps during Cutthroat Cargo Hunt events, based on online community discussions and treasure map references.
      • These references mention locations like "southwest of Sacred Tree" or "south of Moyenne Crique." Keep in mind, these are player-discovered locations and might not be explicitly marked on the map itself.

Treasure Map Connection:

  • The Red Isle is frequently mentioned in online discussions and guides related to Skull and Bones treasure maps. Here are some examples:
    • Caradec’s Bounty: This treasure might be located "southwest of Sacred Tree" within the Red Isle.
    • Other user-discovered treasure maps might lead you to specific areas within the Red Isle based on cryptic clues.

Exploration and Community Tips:

  • While the overall layout of the Red Isle might not be explicitly marked on the in-game map, exploring the archipelago will reveal its various locations and activities.
  • Utilize the map’s icons and tooltips to understand specific points of interest.
  • Consult online resources and community guides for more detailed information about potential hidden locations, treasure maps, and activities within the Red Isle.

By effectively navigating and exploring the Red Isle, you’ll have the opportunity to discover valuable resources, complete missions, potentially unearth hidden treasures, and potentially find Legendary Treasure Maps during Cutthroat Cargo Hunt events.

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