Skull and Bones Manufactory Idle

In Skull and Bones, manufactories do not require any input or activity while they are idle. This means that:

  • They continue to produce resources automatically even when you are not actively playing the game or are in different menus.
  • There is no need to "activate" or "start" the manufactories for them to function. Once built and upgraded, they continuously generate resources in the background.
  • You can safely close the game or switch to other activities without impacting the ongoing production process.

Here’s a breakdown of how manufactories function while idle:

1. Automatic Production:

  • Each manufactory has a predefined production rate based on its level.
  • This rate determines the quantity of resources produced per unit of time (e.g., per hour).
  • The game tracks the elapsed time even when you are not actively playing.

2. Resource Accumulation:

  • As time passes, the manufactories automatically accumulate the produced resources based on their production rate.
  • These resources are stored within the manufactory until you manually collect them.

3. Limited Storage:

  • Each manufactory has a maximum storage capacity for its produced resources.
  • If the storage reaches its limit, production will cease until you collect some resources and free up space.

4. Collection and Management:

  • You need to manually access the Helm and the "Manufactories" section to collect the accumulated resources.
  • Once collected, the resources become available for use in crafting, trading, or other activities.

Benefits of Idle Production:

  • This system allows for a steady and passive income of resources, even when you are not actively playing.
  • It enables you to focus on other aspects of the game like exploring, completing missions, or engaging in naval combat without worrying about resource management during your breaks.


  • While manufactories are convenient for passive income, don’t solely rely on them to fulfill all your resource needs.
  • Consider exploring other resource acquisition methods like completing contracts, trading, and looting to supplement your income and ensure you have sufficient resources for various objectives in Skull and Bones.

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