Skull and Bones Leopold III

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Leopold II The Necropolis Blueprint Cost: 5670 Silver
Infamy: Corsair I
Magnetite Ingot x14
Shellac x6
Sheet Glass x4
Screw Mechanism x4
Precision Drilling Bit x1
Leopold III Sainte-Anne
Telok Penjarah
Blueprint Cost: 2800 Pieces of Eight
Infamy: Kingpin I
Magnetite Ingot x14
Shellac x8
Screw Mechanism x4
Precision Drilling Bit x2
Gannets' Saltpeter x1
Silver x4290

Analysis of Skull and Bones Blueprints: Leopold II and Leopold III

Unfortunately, due to the lack of extensive information about Skull and Bones, definitively determining the functions of the Leopold II and Leopold III blueprints is difficult. However, based on the provided details, here's a breakdown of what we can potentially infer:


  • Names: Both blueprints share the "Leopold" prefix, suggesting they might be part of a series related to a specific function or upgrade system.
  • Materials: Both require a significant amount of Magnetite Ingot, Shellac, Screw Mechanisms, and Precision Drilling Bits. This suggests some level of precision engineering or the creation of a complex mechanical device.


  • Location: Leopold II is found in The Necropolis, while Leopold III is found in Sainte-Anne Telok Penjarah. This difference in location might indicate availability at different stages of the game or variations based on region.
  • Unlock Requirements:
    • Infamy Level: Leopold II requires Corsair I which is a lower level of notoriety compared to Kingpin I needed for Leopold III.
    • Cost: Leopold II is cheaper in Silver, while Leopold III requires a combination of Pieces of Eight (potentially a black market currency) and Silver.
    • Materials: Leopold III has additional requirements for Gannets' Saltpeter, suggesting a potential explosive or propellant component.

Possible Functions (Speculative):

  • Ship Upgrades (Most Likely): Given the focus on mechanical parts and drilling bits, these blueprints could be related to crafting upgrades for your ships. Here are some possibilities:

    • Advanced Cannons: The Leopold blueprints might allow you to build or upgrade cannons with improved firing mechanisms, range, or accuracy.
    • Engine Enhancements: These blueprints could be for crafting components that improve your ship's speed, maneuverability, or boost capabilities.
    • Armor Reinforcements: The use of metal ingots and drilling bits suggests the creation of advanced armor plating or structural reinforcements for your ships.
  • Unique Weaponry (Potential): The presence of Gannets' Saltpeter in Leopold III hints at a potential explosive component. In this case, the blueprints might be for crafting:

    • Mines: You could create deployable mines to lay traps for enemy ships.
    • Advanced Mortars or Grenades: These explosive weapons could offer increased area-of-effect damage or breaching capabilities.

Buy Skull and Bones Items

In Skull and Bones, "Leopold III" can refer to two different things:

1. A Ship:

  • The Leopold III is a powerful ship mentioned in some online communities and resources. However, it’s important to note that this ship is not officially confirmed in Skull and Bones. There is no information about it in the game itself, official developer resources, or reliable news sources.

2. A Player:

  • Leopold III might also be the name of a player or character within Skull and Bones. If you encountered this name through other players or gameplay, it’s likely referring to another individual within the game world, not a specific ship.

Without further context or information, it’s impossible to definitively say what "Leopold III" refers to in your case. It’s best to rely on verified sources and in-game information to avoid potential misinformation.

If you can provide more details about where you encountered "Leopold III" (e.g., specific forums, gameplay experiences), I might be able to offer more specific information.

Additionally, here are some confirmed aspects of Skull and Bones you can explore:

  • Ships: Various ship types with different strengths and weaknesses, such as frigates, brigantines, and galleons.
  • Resources: Different materials and resources used for crafting, ship upgrades, and trading.
  • Activities: Sailing, exploration, combat, trading, and completing missions.
  • Factions: Different factions with varying goals and allegiances.

I hope this helps!

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