Skull and Bones Jacques Sorrel

Jacques Sorrel is a character in Skull and Bones who plays a minor role in the game’s story and serves as a guide during a specific early-game quest called "Turning the Page." Here’s what we know about him:

Role in the Story:

  • Jacques Sorrel is a mysterious figure with a shadowy past.
  • He appears to be knowledgeable about the Indian Ocean and its secrets.
  • He plays a brief role in guiding the player character towards uncovering the truth about a hidden treasure.

"Turning the Page" Quest:

  • This introductory quest involves the player character investigating clues and rumors surrounding Jacques Sorrel.
  • You’ll need to track him down at his hideout, Saint-Amelie, located in the Al Royale region.
  • After finding him, you’ll learn information from him that helps progress the quest and reveal a path towards finding the hidden treasure.

Limited Interaction:

  • Your interaction with Jacques Sorrel is limited to this single quest.
  • Once you complete "Turning the Page," you won’t encounter him again in the game’s later stages.

Community Speculation:

  • There’s some speculation within the Skull and Bones community about Jacques Sorrel potentially having a more significant role in future story expansions or updates.
  • However, no official confirmation exists regarding this from the developers as of October 26, 2023.

Overall, Jacques Sorrel is a minor but intriguing character in Skull and Bones who briefly guides you through a crucial early-game quest. His past and potential future involvement within the game’s narrative remain shrouded in mystery.

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