Skull and Bones Iron Cladding Station

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Iron Cladding Station I Royal Burial Ground Blueprint Cost: 520 Silver
Infamy: Rover I

Cast Iron Ingot x10
Iroko Plank x6
Silver x280

Skull and Bones Iron Cladding Station I Blueprint Summary

Item: Iron Cladding Station I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Royal Burial Ground (It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location)


  • Blueprint Cost: 520 Silver
  • Infamy: Rover I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Cast Iron Ingot x10
    • Iroko Plank x6
    • Silver x280


Based on its name and crafting materials, the Iron Cladding Station I Blueprint likely allows you to build or upgrade the armor plating on your ship in Skull and Bones. Here’s a breakdown of its potential functionalities:

  • Constructing Iron Armor: This could be the most straightforward interpretation, where the station allows you to craft iron plates and attach them to your ship’s hull, increasing its overall armor rating and defensive capabilities.
  • Upgrading Existing Armor: The station might offer an upgrade to your current armor, potentially:
    • Reinforcing existing armor plates: Adding additional iron layers to existing plates for increased protection.
    • Replacing weaker materials: Upgrading armor sections currently made from weaker materials (like wood) with iron for improved defense.

Benefits of Iron Cladding:

  • Enhanced Ship Durability: Adding iron cladding significantly increases your ship’s ability to withstand enemy cannon fire and other attacks, making you more resilient in combat encounters.
  • Improved Strategic Options: Increased ship durability allows for more aggressive tactics, as you can engage in closer combat or take calculated risks without facing as much danger from enemy fire.

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