Skull and Bones How To Repair Ship

There are two main ways to repair your ship in Skull and Bones:

1. Repairing at a Dock:

  • This is the simplest and most straightforward method.
  • Sail your ship to any Outpost or Pirate Base and dock at the designated area.
  • Once docked, access the Ship menu (usually by pressing a specific button).
  • Look for the "Repair" option within the menu.
  • Select the "Repair" option and pay the required Silver for the repairs.
  • This will instantly restore your ship’s health to full.

2. Using Repair Kits:

  • This method allows you to repair your ship mid-sea without needing to dock.
  • Carry Repair Kits in your Item Wheel. You can acquire them through various means like buying from vendors, looting, or completing quests.
  • During combat or while sailing, access the Item Wheel (usually by pressing a specific button).
  • Select the Repair Kit from the available options.
  • Use the Repair Kit by clicking or pressing the indicated button.
  • This will heal a portion of your ship’s health.

Important Points:

  • Cost: Repairing at a dock is generally more expensive than using Repair Kits, but it fully restores your ship’s health.
  • Limitations: Repair Kits have a limited number of uses and require a cooldown period after use before you can utilize another one.
  • Priority: When using Repair Kits, consider focusing on repairing critical damage to essential components like the hull and masts to maintain your ship’s combat effectiveness.

By understanding these methods and their limitations, you can effectively keep your ship in good condition and maximize your chances of success in Skull and Bones.

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