Skull and Bones How To Fish

While fishing isn’t a dedicated activity in Skull and Bones, you can hunt and collect fish as a means to acquire resources. Here’s how:


  • Dhow: You can only hunt fish while using your starting dhow. Larger ships typically don’t have the necessary equipment.


  1. Locate a school of fish: Look for ripples and splashes on the water’s surface, indicating the presence of fish.
  2. Approach the fish slowly: Avoid startling them, as they might dive deeper and become harder to target.
  3. Aim your weapon: Press and hold the aim button (usually left mouse button or left trigger) to aim. A crosshair will appear on your screen.
  4. Fire your weapon: Release the aim button to launch a projectile at the targeted fish.

What you can use to catch fish:

  • Spear: Your dhow is equipped with an unlimited supply of spears for hunting.
  • Canons: While not ideal due to limited ammo, you can also use cannons on larger ships to catch fish, but this is generally less efficient.

Additional Tips:

  • Aim carefully: Landing a successful hit instantly kills the fish and allows you to collect it from the water.
  • Focus on larger fish: Bigger fish typically yield more resources compared to smaller ones.
  • Be mindful of sharks: While not directly targeting fish, sharks might attack your dhow. Be prepared to defend yourself if necessary.

Using the resources:

  • Collected fish can be used for various purposes, including:
    • Selling to vendors: Earn Silver, the in-game currency, by selling fish at shops on land.
    • Consuming as food: Fish can be consumed by your crew to boost their morale.
    • Crafting: Some crafting recipes might require fish as materials.

Remember, hunting fish in Skull and Bones is a secondary activity and not a core gameplay mechanic. However, it can be a helpful way to acquire resources and enhance your pirate experience.

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