Skull and Bones Ghost Ship Farm

Farming the Maangodin ghost ship in Skull and Bones is a process that requires specific conditions and strategies. Here’s a breakdown of how to efficiently farm the Maangodin:


  • Completed "Oceans Apart" Quest: This quest unlocks the ability to farm the Maangodin repeatedly. You can find the quest by talking to the Mysterious Rogue at the Oubliette outpost.
  • Nighttime: The Maangodin only spawns at night, so make sure it’s nighttime in the game before attempting to farm it.
  • Server Switching (Optional): This method requires switching servers to find a Maangodin fight already in progress.


1. Server Switching (Recommended for Faster Farming):

  1. Travel to The Oubliette: Head to the Oubliette outpost during nighttime.
  2. Check for Maangodin: Look for the Maangodin on the map or sail to its usual spawn location east of the outpost.
  3. No Maangodin? Switch Servers: If the Maangodin isn’t present, use the server browser to switch to a different server. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the new server.
  4. Join Existing Fight: Once you find a server with a Maangodin fight in progress, join the battle and contribute your firepower. Since it’s a PvE (player vs. environment) encounter, you won’t steal loot from other players.

2. Traditional Method (Slower Farming):

  1. Wait for Nightfall: If you prefer not to switch servers, set sail and wait for nightfall at The Oubliette or another location with a clear view of the night sky.
  2. Check for Spawn: Once it’s night, look for the Maangodin on your map or sail to its usual spawn location.
  3. Engage the Maangodin: If it’s present, engage the Maangodin in combat, focusing on its weak points as described earlier.

Important Notes:

  • Drops are not guaranteed: You may not receive all the mentioned rewards (Ethereal Ashes and crafting materials) every time you defeat the Maangodin.
  • Consider the time investment: While server switching can be faster, it requires additional effort and might not be suitable for everyone.
  • Alternative farming methods: While the Maangodin offers unique rewards, alternative farming methods like completing contracts or trading can also be efficient ways to gather resources and progress in the game.

Remember, choose the method that best suits your playstyle and available time. The Maangodin provides a challenging fight and valuable rewards, but consider its difficulty and potential time investment before prioritizing it over other gameplay activities.

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