Skull and Bones Fleet of Pestilence

Seasonal gameplay

Plaguebringers, the Fleet of Pestilence’s advance guard, will spawn throughout the world.

Defeat them to obtain “Plaguebringer Captain Heads”. As you sink more Plaguebringer ships, you progressively anger the Fleet of Pestilence. Past a certain hostility level, they might just send a mighty foe after you – it’s up to you to sink them and collect the rare item they carry.

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The Fleet of Pestilence is a new faction introduced in Skull and Bones’ Season 1: Raging Tides. They are portrayed as a menacing force that poses a significant challenge to players. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

Who are the Fleet of Pestilence?

  • A group of hostile pirates known for their ruthlessness and use of chemical warfare.
  • Led by the enigmatic figure known as La Peste (The Plague Lord).
  • Their ships are heavily modified with poisonous weaponry and tactics.

Why are they a Challenge?

  • High Level: Most members of the Fleet of Pestilence are at a higher level than many enemies encountered earlier in the game.
  • Unique Tactics: They use poisonous attacks and deploy instant-spawning reinforcements, making them difficult to overwhelm.
  • Special Abilities: La Peste, the leader, possesses powerful abilities that can significantly damage your ship and crew.

How to Deal with the Fleet of Pestilence:

  • Upgrade your ship: Ensure your vessel is well-equipped with strong armor and defenses against poison attacks.
  • Prepare specific strategies: Develop tactics that counter their spawning reinforcements and utilize anti-poison consumables.
  • Consider coop: Teaming up with other players can increase your firepower and provide support in challenging encounters.

Additional Notes:

  • The Fleet of Pestilence appears in various locations throughout the world, adding an element of surprise and requiring players to be vigilant.
  • Defeating them often provides valuable rewards, including unique resources and blueprints.
  • Their presence adds a new layer of difficulty and encourages players to hone their combat skills and strategize effectively.

Overall, the Fleet of Pestilence is a significant addition to Skull and Bones. They offer a challenging and unique threat, compelling players to adapt their strategies and utilize their resources effectively to overcome this formidable foe.

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The Fleet of Pestilence is a new enemy faction introduced in Season 1: Raging Tides of Skull and Bones. They are a formidable force known for their aggressive tactics, potent weaponry, and use of poisonous attacks. Here’s what you need to know about them:

Who are they?

  • Led by the fearsome Philippe La Peste, also known as the "Plague Lord," the Fleet of Pestilence are a band of ruthless pirates.
  • Their motives are shrouded in mystery, but they are known to spread chaos and destruction across the Indian Ocean.
  • They utilize powerful ships equipped with unique weaponry and defenses. Their vessels often carry bio-chemical weapons that unleash poisonous clouds and inflict damage over time.

Challenges posed by the Fleet of Pestilence:

  • High Difficulty: They are generally considered more challenging opponents compared to other enemy types in the game.
  • Poison mechanics: Their attacks often involve poison, which can deal significant damage and require specific tactics to counter.
  • Relentless tactics: They tend to be aggressive and relentless in their pursuit, requiring players to be vigilant and adaptable.

How to deal with them:

  • Upgrade your ship: Ensuring your ship is well-equipped with strong armor and weaponry is crucial. Consider adding features that help mitigate the effects of poison.
  • Utilize specific tactics: Strategies like staying mobile, employing ranged attacks, and using antidotes effectively become important when facing them.
  • Exploit weaknesses: While their ships are powerful, they have specific vulnerabilities that can be exploited with the right tactics and knowledge.

Additional Information:

  • The Fleet of Pestilence plays a significant role in the Season 1 storyline as players work towards defeating Philippe La Peste and his forces.
  • The Black Market, operated by the Helm faction, can offer some specialized items and upgrades that may prove helpful against the Pestilence.
  • Engaging with the "mysterious figure from the West" during the season allows access to unique items that enhance your chances against the Fleet of Pestilence.

Remember, the Fleet of Pestilence presents a formidable challenge. Be prepared, adapt your approach, and use the available resources to overcome this new threat in Skull and Bones.

The Fleet of Pestilence in Skull and Bones is a new faction introduced in Season 1: Raging Tides. They are a formidable group of enemies known for their use of poisonous weaponry and tactics. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know about them:

Who are the Fleet of Pestilence?

  • Led by the villainous Philippe La Peste, also known as the "Plague Lord."
  • Possess a strong naval fleet equipped with ships that are designed to spread disease and inflict poison damage.
  • Their ultimate goal is to dominate the Indian Ocean and establish their own warped order.

Challenges Posed by the Fleet of Pestilence:

  • Poisonous attacks: Their weapons and tactics can inflict significant poison damage on your ship and crew.
  • High difficulty: They are generally more challenging opponents compared to other enemy factions in the game.
  • Special mechanics: Their ships might have unique mechanics associated with their poison-based attacks, requiring players to adapt their strategies accordingly.

How to Deal with the Fleet of Pestilence:

  • Invest in anti-poison equipment: Upgrading your ship and crew with items that resist or mitigate poison damage is crucial.
  • Utilize specific tactics: Certain weapons or abilities might be more effective against the Fleet of Pestilence compared to others.
  • Strategic approach: Be prepared for their poisonous attacks and adapt your combat strategy accordingly.

Additional Information:

  • The Fleet of Pestilence is a major focus of Season 1, featuring prominently in various story missions and challenges.
  • Defeating La Peste and his forces is a significant goal in the season’s storyline.
  • As the game evolves, the Fleet of Pestilence might receive further development in future updates or expansions.

Overall, the Fleet of Pestilence presents a formidable challenge for players in Skull and Bones. By understanding their tactics, equipping properly, and utilizing strategic approaches, players can overcome this dangerous enemy faction.

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