Skull and Bones Fine Ramie

Fine Ramie is a refined material you can obtain and utilize in Skull and Bones for various purposes:

Obtaining Fine Ramie:

  • Refinement: Fine Ramie is not found directly in the game world. Instead, it’s obtained by refining the common material Ramie.
  • Ramie Locations: You can find Ramie plants scattered throughout the East Indies region of the map, specifically along the coast south of Zamrud. Look for plant clusters with tall, green stalks.
  • Refinery: Once you’ve gathered Ramie, take it to any Refinery located in settlements across the map. Refineries are denoted by an icon resembling a furnace or mortar and pestle.

Using Fine Ramie:

  • Crafting: Fine Ramie is a crucial ingredient in crafting various ship upgrades and equipment. These include:
    • Sails: Upgrading your sails with Fine Ramie can improve your ship’s speed and maneuverability.
    • Cannons: Utilizing Fine Ramie can enhance the accuracy and damage output of your cannons.
    • Armor: Incorporating Fine Ramie into your ship’s armor can increase its durability and resilience against enemy attacks.
  • Trading: While not as common, some vendors or merchants might offer to purchase Fine Ramie, allowing you to earn additional resources.

Additional Notes:

  • The refinement process requires a small amount of silver as payment.
  • The amount of Fine Ramie obtained from refining Ramie depends on your refining skill level. Higher skill levels yield more Fine Ramie per refinement.
  • Prioritize upgrading your ship based on your playstyle and current needs. Upgrading sails might be more beneficial if you focus on speed and exploration, while prioritizing armor upgrades could be better for players engaging in frequent naval combat.

By gathering Ramie, refining it into Fine Ramie, and utilizing it for crafting and potential trading, you can enhance your ship’s capabilities and progress further in Skull and Bones.

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