Skull and Bones Dragon’s Back Treasure Location

The treasure hidden in Skull and Bones at the Dragon’s Back location is not marked on the map and requires specific steps to find:


  • Island: Northwest island in the Islands of the Moon region.
  • Outpost: Dragon’s Back.

Steps to Find the Treasure:

  1. Reach Dragon’s Back: Sail to the Dragon’s Back outpost in the Islands of the Moon. You can either fast travel to a location closer west or sail through the channel north of Saint-Anne and then head west once reaching open water.

  2. Find the Merchant: Locate the merchant at the outpost. This is a friendly NPC who sells various items and upgrades for your ship.

  3. Go Right of the Merchant’s Passage: As you approach the outpost, there’s a narrow passageway next to the merchant’s stall. Walk through this passage and turn right.

  4. Follow the Path Upward: You’ll find a path leading upwards. There are no branching paths, so simply follow it until you reach the end.

  5. Look for Golden Sparkles: As you near the end of the path, look for golden sparkles on your left-hand side. This indicates the location of the buried treasure.

  6. Interact with the Sparkles: Approach the golden sparkles and press the indicated button (usually "X" on Xbox and PlayStation controllers) to unearth the treasure.

Treasure Contents:

The contents of the treasure chest can vary and might include resources, blueprints for ship upgrades, or even unique equipment for your crew.

Additional Tips:

  • If you reach the end of the path without seeing any golden sparkles, you might have gone too far. The path leading to the treasure is before the Pirate’s Bonfire, so turn back slightly if you miss the sparkles.
  • Exploring the Islands of the Moon can reveal other hidden treasures and resources, so keep your eyes peeled during your exploration!

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Dragon’s Back in Skull and Bones:

Dragon’s Back is a significant outpost located in the Islands of the Moon region of Skull and Bones. It plays a crucial role in the game, offering various benefits to players:

Key Features:

  • Strategic Location: Dragon’s Back is situated in a central location within the Islands of the Moon, making it a convenient hub for exploring the surrounding areas and tackling missions.
  • Unique Blueprints: The outpost houses a merchant who sells exclusive blueprints for upgrading your ship’s capabilities. These blueprints can provide significant advantages in terms of:
    • Enhanced firepower: Improve your cannons, mortars, and other offensive weaponry.
    • Increased resilience: Upgrade your ship’s armor and durability to withstand enemy attacks.
    • Improved maneuverability: Enhance your ship’s handling and steering for better control and evasion tactics.
  • Supplies and Resources: Dragon’s Back also offers various merchants selling essential supplies for your ship and crew, including:
    • Food and Rations: Maintain the health and morale of your crew.
    • Ammunition and Repair Materials: Replenish your weaponry and repair any ship damage.
    • Cosmetics and Customization Items: Enhance your ship’s appearance and personalize your crew.

Finding Dragon’s Back:

  • Map Location: Dragon’s Back is located on the northwest island within the Islands of the Moon region. It’s not explicitly marked on the map, so reaching it requires some exploration.
  • Travel Recommendations: It’s recommended to reach Dragon’s Back by:
    • Fast Travel: If you’ve unlocked a fast travel point closer west of the location, utilize it to save time.
    • Sailing: Alternatively, sail through the channel north of Saint-Anne and then head west once reaching open water.

Hidden Treasure:

Dragon’s Back also holds a hidden treasure, adding an element of exploration and reward. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Locate the merchant at the outpost.
  2. Look for a narrow passage next to the merchant’s stall. Walk through it and turn right.
  3. Follow the path upwards until you see golden sparkles on your left-hand side.
  4. Interact with the sparkles to unearth the treasure.

Overall, Dragon’s Back is a critical location in Skull and Bones offering valuable resources, unique upgrades, and exploration opportunities. Make sure to visit and explore this outpost to optimize your ship’s capabilities and progress in the game.

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