Skull and Bones Demi-cannon Works

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Demi-cannon Works I Sunken Goldmine Blueprint Cost: 1290 Silver
Infamy: Buccaneer I

Mopane Plank x8
Cobalt Ingot x10
Casting Sand x4
Silver x700

Skull and Bones Demi-cannon Works I Blueprint Summary

Item: Demi-cannon Works I Blueprint

Location/Unlock Condition: Sunken Goldmine (It’s unclear if any additional actions are required to unlock crafting at this location)


  • Blueprint Cost: 1290 Silver
  • Infamy: Buccaneer I (You need to reach a certain level of notoriety as a pirate)
  • Materials:
    • Mopane Plank x8
    • Cobalt Ingot x10
    • Casting Sand x4
    • Silver x700

Function (Speculative):

Based on its name and required materials, the Demi-cannon Works I Blueprint likely offers a significant upgrade or modification to your ship’s demi-cannons. Compared to the previously discussed Demi-cannon Furnace I, this blueprint might provide a more substantial improvement. Here are some potential interpretations:

  • Enhanced Demi-cannon Performance: The upgrade could involve improvements to several aspects of the demi-cannons, potentially including:
    • Increased damage: Demi-cannons inflict significantly more damage on enemy ships.
    • Improved area of effect: Explosions from demi-cannon shot create a larger blast radius.
    • Faster reload times: Demi-cannons reload quicker, allowing for a higher rate of fire.
    • Enhanced accuracy: Demi-cannon shot has a tighter spread and hits targets with greater precision.
  • New Demi-cannon Type: The blueprint might unlock a completely new type of demi-cannon with improved characteristics compared to the standard ones.

Note: Without access to the complete game or official information, it’s impossible to definitively determine the exact function of the Demi-cannon Works I. However, this summary provides the available information and potential interpretations based on the item’s name and materials, considering it requires a higher Infamy level and more expensive materials compared to the Demi-cannon Furnace I.

Additional Information:

  • Other sources suggest the Demi-cannon Works I Blueprint unlocks an upgrade that increases the elemental damage multiplier of demi-cannons (although the specific element affected is not mentioned).
  • Demi-cannons are known to be short-range weapons in Skull and Bones, dealing high damage but with lower accuracy compared to other cannons.

I hope this summary provides helpful insights!

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