Skull and Bones Crossplay

Skull and Bones supports cross-platform play, allowing you to matchmake with other players across all available platforms.

Crossplay is enabled by default.

To disable crossplay:

• Open the pause menu.
• Select "Settings".
• Go to the "Gameplay" tab.
• Under "General", select the "Crossplay" option to change the setting to "Off".

On Xbox Series X|S you can edit your cross-play settings directly on your console.

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Skull and Bones: Crossplay Information

This summary provides details about crossplay in Skull and Bones:


  • Skull and Bones allows cross-platform play between all available platforms.
  • You can matchmake and play with players on different platforms.


  • Crossplay is enabled by default.

Disabling Crossplay:

  1. Open the pause menu while in-game.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Navigate to the "Gameplay" tab.
  4. Under "General", find "Crossplay" and set it to "Off".

Alternative Method (Xbox Series X|S):

  • You can also manage cross-play settings directly through your Xbox console settings.

Additional Notes:

  • Disabling crossplay may increase matchmaking times as the pool of potential players is limited to your platform.
  • Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before disabling crossplay.

I hope this information helps!

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