Skull and Bones Cross Platform Coop

Skull and Bones offers full cross-platform support, allowing you to team up and experience cooperative gameplay with friends across various platforms:


  • PC
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X/S
  • Amazon Luna


  • Enabled by Default: Cross-play is automatically activated, enabling seamless matchmaking with players on different platforms.
  • Party System: You can form parties of up to three players regardless of their platform, allowing you to strategically collaborate with friends against AI opponents or explore the vast seas together.
  • Matchmaking: When searching for cooperative content, the game considers skill level and other factors to match you with suitable players across all available platforms, potentially expanding your pool of potential teammates.


  • Enhanced Social Experience: Play with friends who might own the game on different platforms, fostering social interaction and a more inclusive gaming experience.
  • Larger Player Pool: By enabling cross-platform coop, you increase the potential pool of teammates you can encounter in matchmaking, potentially reducing queue times and allowing faster access to cooperative activities.

Disabling Cross-play:

If you prefer playing with players on the same platform, you can disable cross-play in the game settings:

  1. Open the pause menu in Skull and Bones.
  2. Navigate to the "Settings" tab.
  3. Go to the "Gameplay" section.
  4. Under "General," find the "Crossplay" option.
  5. Switch the toggle to "Off" to disable cross-play.

Remember, disabling cross-play might limit your options for playing with friends on other platforms and potentially reduce the available player pool during matchmaking.

Overall, Skull and Bones’ cross-platform coop functionality allows you to expand your social experiences, enhance your cooperative gameplay options, and potentially encounter a wider range of players to team up with on your pirate adventures.

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