Skull and Bones Black Market

The Black Market in Skull and Bones is a special shop run by the secretive Helm faction that offers exclusive items and resources in exchange for a special currency, Pieces of Eight. Here’s what you need to know:

How to Unlock the Black Market:

  1. Reach the island of Sainte-Anne: Progress through the game until you reach this major hub.
  2. Help Yanita Nara: Find Yanita Nara in the Le Pont Muet tavern on Sainte-Anne. Complete her initial quests to gain access to the Helm network.
  3. "A Covert Initiation" Quest: Keep working for the Helm faction and a mission called "A Covert Initiation" will eventually trigger. Completing this opens up the Black Market.

What’s on offer in the Black Market:

  • Exclusive cosmetics: Outfit pieces, ship decorations, emotes, etc.
  • Powerful weapons and ship parts: Some of these come with unique perks.
  • Rare resources: Useful for crafting and upgrading.
  • Blueprints: For ships, weapons, and other gear.
  • Ship mascots: Pets and companions for your vessel!

Pieces of Eight Currency:

  • You earn them by completing Helm Orders: These are special contracts from the Helm faction, often involving smuggling, sabotage, or other high-risk missions.
  • The Black Market stock rotates: The items available change regularly, so check back often to see what’s new.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Black Market items can be expensive, so prioritize carefully.
  • Helm Orders can be dangerous, but they’re the best way to earn enough Pieces of Eight for the most significant Black Market purchases.

Let me know if you want to know more about specific Black Market items or how to earn Pieces of Eight effectively!

Buy Skull and Bones Items

The Black Market in Skull and Bones is a secretive in-game store operated by the Helm faction. Here’s the breakdown of how it works and what you need to know:

Unlocking the Black Market

  1. The Helm Questline: The Black Market becomes accessible after completing a series of quests for Yanita Nara, an associate of the Helm, in Sainte-Anne.
  2. "A Covert Initiation": This specific quest might be a prerequisite for unlocking the questline that leads to the Black Market.

What’s on offer in the Black Market

  • Exclusive Items: The Black Market offers items not found in regular shops, including:
    • High-end weapons with unique perks
    • Powerful ship components
    • Rare cosmetics for your pirate and ship
    • Specialized blueprints for crafting

Currency: Pieces of Eight

  • The Black Market doesn’t use regular silver. Instead, you’ll need a unique currency called Pieces of Eight.
  • Earn Pieces of Eight by completing Helm missions known as Orders. These are usually high-risk smuggling operations.


Black Market shops are found in two Helm hideouts:

  • Sainte-Anne: Talk to Yanita at Le Pont Muet tavern.
  • Telok Penjarah: Find a Helm hideout in this region.

Important Notes

  • Stock in the Black Market rotates, so check back frequently for new items.
  • Pieces of Eight can be a bit grindy to obtain, so plan your purchases carefully.

Let me know if you have any questions about specific items or want more info on the Helm faction!

The Black Market in Skull and Bones is a secretive in-game store operated by the Helm faction. Here’s what you need to know:

How to Unlock the Black Market:

  1. The Helm Questline: You’ll need to progress through a series of quests offered by Yanita Nara, found in the Le Pont Muet tavern on Sainte-Anne.
  2. "A Covert Initiation": There’s a specific quest with this name that may trigger the unlocking process. Keep an eye on your quest list and complete available Helm missions.

What’s on Offer at the Black Market:

  • Exclusive Items: The Black Market stocks unique cosmetic items, ship customizations, blueprints, weapons, and other resources not found in regular shops.
  • Pieces of Eight Currency: The Black Market uses a special currency called Pieces of Eight. You’ll earn these by completing Helm Orders (high-risk smuggling missions).

Why Visit the Black Market:

  • Rare and Powerful Gear: The Black Market offers a chance to obtain powerful weapons and ship customizations that can give you an edge in combat.
  • Unique Cosmetics: Look stylish with exclusive cosmetics to set your captain and ship apart.
  • Smuggling Empire: As you progress through the Helm ranks, you’ll get a chance to manage your smuggling business through the Black Market.


The Black Market has shops in two Helm hideouts:

  • Sainte-Anne: Talk to Yanita Nara at the Le Pont Muet tavern.
  • Telok Penjarah: Find Yanita’s second hideout in this region.

Important Notes:

  • The Black Market stock rotates, offering different items each day.
  • Prices can be steep, make sure you save up your Pieces of Eight for the items you really want.

Let me know if you’d like more specifics on any aspect of the Black Market!

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