Skull and Bones Acacia Wood

In Skull and Bones, acacia wood is a common resource used for various purposes, particularly in the early stages of the game. Here’s what you need to know about it:


  • Ship Repair: Acacia wood is primarily used for repairing your ship’s hull when it sustains damage during combat or encounters with environmental hazards.
  • Upgrading Ships: In the early stages, acacia wood might be required for upgrading certain ship components like the hull or masts.
  • Crafting: While not its main purpose, acacia wood might be used in specific early-game crafting recipes.


  • Harvesting: Acacia wood can be found on several islands throughout the game world. Look for green tree icons on your map, which represent acacia trees. You can sail your ship close to these icons and use your saw (acquired from the carpenter) to harvest the wood through a short minigame.
  • Buying: In some settlements, you might be able to purchase acacia wood from merchants or vendors.


  • Acacia wood is essential in the early stages as you constantly repair your ship after encounters and progress through the game.
  • As you progress, other resources might become more crucial for ship upgrades and crafting, but acacia wood remains valuable for basic repairs.


  • Always keep a good stock of acacia wood on your ship, especially when venturing into potentially dangerous areas.
  • Prioritize harvesting acacia wood when exploring new islands to ensure you have enough for repairs.
  • As you progress, consider carrying alternative repair materials besides acacia wood to diversify your options.

By understanding the uses and importance of acacia wood, you can effectively manage your resources and keep your ship in good condition throughout your Skull and Bones adventures.

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