PoE Scouring Orb vs. Divine Orb for crafting rares

Choosing between Scouring Orbs and Divine Orbs for crafting rares in Path of Exile depends on your specific goals and resources. Both have distinct purposes and advantages:

Scouring Orb:

  • Function: Completely removes all affixes from a rare item, essentially resetting it to a blank slate.
  • Advantages:
    • Start fresh: Allows you to completely re-roll a rare item with undesirable affixes, offering a second chance at crafting valuable mods.
    • Flexibility: Opens up new crafting possibilities, especially when combined with benchcrafting recipes or specific league mechanics.
    • Efficient use of low-tier rares: Useful for utilizing good base item types even if the current rolls are subpar.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Destroys potential value: If the existing affixes, even low-tiered ones, hold some market value, scouring them removes that value.
    • Can be resource-intensive: Using Scouring Orbs frequently can quickly deplete your supply, especially if crafting involves multiple attempts.
    • Requires additional investment: Depending on your crafting strategy, resetting an item might require further investment in specific crafting materials or orbs.

Divine Orb:

  • Function: Rerolls all modifiers on a rare item, keeping the item base and potentially improving the rolled affixes.
  • Advantages:
    • Upgrade existing rolls: Can significantly improve a rare item with decent affixes by potentially rolling higher tiers of the same mods.
    • Target specific mods: Certain builds might depend on a single valuable mod on an item. Divining can re-roll the other mods while keeping that crucial one.
    • More cost-effective for high-tier rares: Using Divine Orbs on already valuable rares can be more efficient than scouring and re-crafting from scratch.
  • Disadvantages:
    • High risk, high reward: There’s always a chance of getting worse rolls with Divines, potentially destroying the value of the item.
    • Expensive investment: Divine Orbs are significantly more valuable than Scouring Orbs, making each attempt quite costly.
    • Limited control: You can’t directly influence which mods are re-rolled with Divines, relying solely on randomness.

So, which one to choose?

  • Use Scouring Orbs:
    • When you have a rare item with mostly undesirable affixes.
    • When you want to utilize a specific base type but need a fresh start.
    • When crafting on a budget and Scouring Orbs are readily available.
  • Use Divine Orbs:
    • When a well-rolled rare item only needs a few mod improvements.
    • When you’re willing to take the risk of potentially ruining the item for significant gains.
    • When the item’s current value justifies the high cost of Divine Orbs.

Ultimately, the choice between Scouring Orbs and Divine Orbs depends on your individual crafting goals, risk tolerance, and resource availability. Experiment with both to find the approach that works best for you and your Path of Exile adventures!

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