PoE Zombie

Ah, the humble zombie – the backbone of many a Path of Exile exile’s army! These shambling remnants of humanity (and other creatures) offer a surprisingly diverse and customizable minion option, making them a popular choice for a variety of builds. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of PoE zombies:

The Rise of the Undead:

  • Zombies are raised using the skill "Raise Zombie" or its variations, consuming a corpse to create a loyal undead servant.
  • They primarily rely on melee attacks, though certain unique zombies offer ranged or spellcasting abilities.
  • Their strength lies in their sheer numbers and resilience, overwhelming enemies with a relentless tide of decaying flesh.

Benefits of Zombie Minions:

  • Accessibility: Raise Zombie is readily available and doesn’t require specific Ascendancy choices, making it easy to integrate into various builds.
  • High Life Pool: Zombies boast impressive base life, making them surprisingly durable and able to weather significant damage.
  • Synergy Options: Numerous skills and passives exist to enhance zombie damage, attack speed, life regeneration, and even grant them special abilities.
  • Unique Variety: Certain unique zombies like "Victario’s Influence" or "Baron Zombies" offer incredible power and unique mechanics, adding layers of customization.

Challenges of Zombie Minions:

  • Lower Single-Target Damage: While effective against packs, zombies can struggle against bosses with high health pools.
  • Slow Movement Speed: They can lag behind in hectic encounters, requiring strategic positioning and support skills to keep them engaged in the fight.
  • Gear and Investment: Maximizing zombie potential requires specific gear and support gems, which can be resource-intensive.

Building a Champion Horde:

  • Skills and Support Gems: Focus on skills like Raise Zombie, Summon Zombies, Summon Flame Golem, and their support gems to boost damage, life, and attack speed.
  • Passives and Ascendancy: Invest in minion-focused passives on the skill tree and consider Ascendancies like Necromancer or Occultist for further minion buffs.
  • Gear and Uniques: Look for gear with minion life, minion damage modifiers, minion attack speed, and corpse consumption bonuses. Certain uniques like "Victario’s Influence" or "Baron Zombies" can significantly enhance your zombies.

Beyond the Basics:

  • Explore different zombie types, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Summoning fallen bosses as special zombies offers exciting possibilities.
  • Use utility minions like Animate Guardian for additional buffs or Spectres with specific support auras to benefit your entire party.
  • Remember, a zombie master commands more than just their shambling servants. Utilize corpse mechanics, auras, and strategic positioning to unleash the true potential of your undead horde!

Whether you’re a seasoned necromancer or a curious adventurer considering a zombie army, the possibilities are endless. With dedication and a touch of creative necromancy, you can transform these reanimated corpses into a force to be reckoned with in Wraeclast!

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