PoE Your Maps contain Alva Compass

Awakened Sextant 1 Your Maps contain Alva
3 uses remaining
map extra content weighting [1]
map mission id [3]
unique_map 0
elder_occupied_map 0
has_atlas_mission 0
default 125
Elevated Sextant 1 Your Maps contain Alva
15 uses remaining
map extra content weighting [1]
map mission id [3]
unique_map 0
elder_occupied_map 0
has_atlas_mission 0
default 125

While there’s no specific item called "Your Maps Contain Alva Compass" in Path of Exile, there are several ways to influence Alva’s appearance in your maps:

Indirect Methods:

  • Atlas Passives:

    • Master of the Atlas: Grants a 5% chance for areas to contain an additional master.
    • Secret of the Stones: Increases the chance to encounter a master in areas with four or more modifiers.
  • Sextants:

    • Areas contain an additional Master: This Sextant mod has a chance to create an extra master mission in affected maps, potentially including Alva.

Directly Targeting Alva:

  • Charged Compass: This unique item can be used on a map device to guarantee a specific master encounter in the next map, including Alva.
  • Alva Sextant: This rare Sextant mod can be applied to a Voidstone altar to directly increase the chance of Alva spawning in maps within its radius.

Additional Tips:

  • League Mechanics: Some leagues, like Incursion or Archnemesis, may have mechanics that increase the frequency of Alva encounters.
  • Map Scour/Alc: If you’re specifically targeting Alva, consider using a Scour orb to remove current map mods and then an Alchemy orb to reroll for a chance of getting "Areas contain Alva" as a map mod.
  • Combining Methods: For the highest chance, combine multiple methods, such as using a Charged Compass, applying an Alva Sextant, and having relevant Atlas passives allocated.

Remember, even with these methods, encountering Alva remains somewhat random. Experiment and find the combination that works best for your playstyle and goals!

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