PoE Affliction Ascendancy: New Class

PoE Affliction Ascendancy

While exploring the Wildwood, you might find some of the last few Azmeri Wanderers who have managed to survive in the forest since it was cursed.

Choose which of the Azmeri Wanderers that you will complete quests for to unlock one of three new Ascendancy classes which you can have in addition to your regular Ascendancy class. Up to eight points for these classes are unlocked as you complete quests for the Azmeri.

1. New Affliction Ascendancy: Warden of the Maji

The Warden of Eaves can teach you to become a Warden of the Maji, a powerful class that takes advantage of wilderness knowledge. Wardens of the Maji can coat their weapons with Tinctures, granting them special bonuses. For example, the Ironwood Tincture always stuns enemies on full life and the Oakbranch Tincture is a great finisher for bosses.

A Warden of the Maji has many other wilderness abilities such as Barkskin, which causes Bark to grow all over your body, increasing armour. As you take damage, the Bark temporarily falls off, increasing your evasion.

Warden of the Maji

2. New Affliction Ascendancy: Warlock of the Mists

The Breaker of Oaths can teach you to become a Warlock of the Mists, a class specialising in the darker arts of the Azmeri. One powerful ability you can choose is Blood Hunt, which lets you consume corpses to gain more damage and protection against monsters that share a creature type with the corpse. The Breaker of Oaths can sell you additional corpses of exotic types, and these can also be used as powerful spectres. The Warlock of the Mists also gets access to many other abilities including a trio of new curse skills.

Warlock of the Mists

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3.New Affliction Ascendancy: Wildwood Primalist

The Primal Huntress can teach you to become a Wildwood Primalist. Unlike the other new ascendancy classes, the Primal Huntress lets you customise your tree using Charms that have randomly generated skills from the regular ascendancy classes. Charms are attribute-aligned magic items that can have up to two random modifiers on them.

Wildwood Primalists get access to other powerful abilities, such as a small extra backpack, or the ability to use warcries to cause corpses to drop extra items.

Wildwood Primalist

PoE Affliction How To Get Ascendancy Points

Getting those sweet, sweet Affliction Ascendancy points requires both exploration and cunning in the Viridian Wildwood. Here's a breakdown of the two main ways to earn them:

1. Finding the Azmeri Wanderers:

  • Each Ascendency has a corresponding Azmeri Wanderer hidden within the Wildwood. Locate them and complete their initial quest to unlock your first two Ascendancy points.
  • Explore hidden pathways, listen for whispers in the wind, and follow the guidance of the Wildwood itself. These Wanderers aren't exactly shouting their location.
  • Once you find one, their questline will guide you through challenging encounters and tests of skill, rewarding you with additional Ascendancy points upon completion.

2. Completing Wildwood Challenges:

  • Scattered throughout the Wildwood are hidden Shrines and Challenges. Completing these can unlock chests containing valuable rewards, including Wildwood Emblems.
  • Collect enough Wildwood Emblems to form a Primal Emblem, then sacrifice it at the Primal Altar in the center of the Wildwood. This grants you another Ascendancy point and additional rewards.
  • Be wary, though! The Primal Altar's activation unleashes a powerful Primal Guardian, demanding a fierce battle in exchange for your reward.

Tips for Maximizing Ascendancy Point Gain:

  • Focus on Empowering Wisely: Choose Wisps strategically! Each type grants different rewards, so empower monster types that offer relevant Wildwood Emblems or lead to hidden areas with potential Wanderers.
  • Explore Every Nook and Cranny: The Wildwood hides its secrets well. Be thorough in your exploration, checking behind waterfalls, exploring hidden passages, and listening for clues in the environment.
  • Sharpen Your Combat Skills: Both Wanderer quests and Primal Guardians demand strong fighting skills. Be prepared to face challenging encounters and adapt your strategies on the fly.
  • Seek Community Help: Don't be afraid to consult online guides, forum discussions, and community content for hints and tips on finding specific Wanderers or tackling tough challenges.

Remember, the Path of Exile: Affliction rewards the curious and the cunning. Explore the Viridian Wildwood with keen eyes and sharp blades, and those coveted Ascendancy points will be yours for the taking!

The Wildwood Ascendancy, Exile, offers a unique path to power within the untamed depths of the Viridian Wildwood. Introduced in the Path of Exile: Affliction league, it unlocks potent boons and allows you to tap into the primal forces of nature. Let's explore its possibilities and guide you towards choosing the Wildwood champion within you!

Unveiling the Options:

Three Azmeri Wanderers roam the Wildwood, each offering a distinct Ascendancy class:

  • Warden of the Maji: Embrace potent Tinctures, boons granting offensive and defensive power. Think explosive concoctions that enhance your attacks or bolster your defenses.
  • Primal Huntress: Master the wild, unlocking Charm slots for borrowing skills from other Ascendancy classes. Imagine wielding potent warcries that open chests or extract loot from fallen foes.
  • Warlock of the Mists: Delve into the shadows, gaining access to Ravenous skills that steal life essence from enemies and bolster your own. Picture draining your foes to fuel your dark magic.

Unlocking the Power:

To claim these Ascendancy classes, you must journey through the Wildwood and complete quests for each Wanderer. These quests involve slaying challenging enemies and navigating the map's unique mechanics. Remember, you can freely switch between Ascendancy classes while completing their quests, allowing you to try each path and find your perfect fit.

Choosing Your Path:

The right Wildwood Ascendancy depends on your existing build and preferred playstyle:

  • Warden of the Maji: Ideal for attack-focused builds, adding significant boosts to damage and offering powerful defensive options.
  • Primal Huntress: Suits diverse playstyles, providing access to versatile skills from other Ascendancies and unique mechanics like charm-powered looting.
  • Warlock of the Mists: Perfect for those seeking dark power, offering life-steal mechanics and potent shadow-infused skills.

Beyond Ascension:

Each Wildwood Ascendancy grants additional rewards as you progress:

  • Increased Quantity of Specific Wisps: These ghostly entities guide you through the Wildwood, and finding specific types grants you additional rewards.
  • Unique Equipment Slots: The Primal Huntress unlocks two Charm slots, opening up strategic customization options.
  • Hidden Boss Encounter: Defeating the final Wildwood boss unlocks further power specific to your chosen Ascendancy.

Embrace the Wildwood Ascendancy, Exile! Let its primal power surge through your veins, granting you unique boons and forging you into a champion of the untamed depths. Remember, the path you choose lies before you, waiting to be claimed with courage and cunning.

Affliction Ascendancy Point acquisition

A total of 8 Wildwood Ascendancy Points can be obtained, but are obtained separately for each Wildwood ascendancy through their independent questlines; for example, unlocking 6 points as a Warden does not unlock 6 points for the Warlock or Primalist. The final 2 points are shared, however, and granted to all three Wildwood Ascendancies simultaneously. Quests completed out of order (e.g. via someone else's Wildwood in a party) will unlock the respective points even if the player has not reached that point in their own quest. 2 points are unlocked for doing each of the following in this order:

Wildwood Ascendancy Warden of the Maji Warlock of the Mists Wildwood Primalist
NPC Warden of Eaves Breaker of Oaths Primal Huntress
Condition 1: Choose a Wildwood Ascendancy Warden of the Maji Warlock of the Mists Wildwood Primalist
Condition 2: Complete the Wildwood NPC's first quest
Unlocked at character level 20+
Vivid Rescue
Rescue 4000 Vivid Wisps by defeating Treants
Culling the Cultists
Kill 500 Cultists
A Merciful Hunt
Kill 500 Nameless
Condition 3: Complete the Wildwood NPC's second quest
Unlocked at character level 50+
Spiteful Winter
Defeat the Bíle Trio
Becoming the Darkness
Interrupt the King in the Mists' Ritual
Hunt for the Crow
Defeat the Black Mórrígan
Condition 4: Defeat the King of the Mists
Unlocked at character level 80+
War for the Wildwood

Only the currently chosen Wildwood Ascendancy's quests can be progressed. Condition 2 and 3 can be completed in either order. Condition 4 is unlocked after completing any ascendancy's quest 2 and 3 for the first time.

How do you earn Wildwood Ascendancy Points?

  • Your first 2 Wildwood Ascendancy Points are acquired when you first meet the associated NPC and choose their specialisation.
  • The next 4 points come from 2 quests from each NPC.
  • The final 2 points come from defeating the King in the Mists, which will unlock the final 2 points for all three Wildwood Ascendancies. If you do this quest in advance (e.g. through Multiplayer), it will count towards the points even if you aren't on that stage of the quest.

How does respeccing Wildwood Ascendancies work?

Unlike normal Ascendancy Classes, respeccing points in a Wildwood Ascendancy Class only costs one refund point per passive. Also, you do not have to fully refund your Wildwood Ascendancy to switch to a different one. To change your Wildwood Ascendancy, you'll just need to find the associated Azmeri Wanderer in the Viridian Wildwood.

When you change back to a Wildwood Ascendancy you’ve already completed quests for, will they still be completed?


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