PoE Vorici Calc

The Vorici Chromatic Calculator, also known as Vorici Calc, is a tool created by the Path of Exile community to aid players in predicting the outcome of using Chromatic Orbs to change the socket colors of equipment. However, there are some caveats and considerations to keep in mind when using it:


  • Vorici Calc allows you to input the existing socket colors of an item and the desired color distribution you want to achieve with Chromatic Orbs.
  • It then calculates the estimated number of Chromatic Orbs required and the chance of achieving the desired outcome.
  • It considers factors like the number of existing sockets, the item’s base color probabilities, and any relevant crafting modifications.


  • While Vorici Calc is helpful, it’s important to remember it’s just an estimate. The actual outcome of using Chromatic Orbs is still based on RNG (random number generation).
  • The algorithm used by Vorici Calc may not be entirely accurate, especially for low-requirement items or items with specific crafting modifiers that affect socket coloring.
  • The estimated costs and probabilities should be seen as a guide, not a guarantee.


  • Some players prefer to rely on intuition and experience when chroming items, instead of relying on a calculator.
  • Other tools in the PoE community, like Path of Building, have built-in features for simulating socket coloring.
  • Ultimately, the best method for you depends on your personal preferences and comfort level with RNG.


  • If you’re unsure about using Vorici Calc, start with low-value items to practice and get a feel for how it works.
  • Remember that chroming can be expensive and time-consuming, so set realistic expectations and manage your resources accordingly.
  • Consider alternative options like using Vorici’s Chromatic Service in Betrayal or crafting specific color sockets through other methods.

I hope this information helps you understand the pros and cons of using Vorici Calc and make informed decisions when chroming your items. Good luck with your crafting endeavors, Exile!

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